the unknown boy known as izu

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bold means intense fight or scene or if i want to thoughts are italic and info is underline no image belongs to me nor video i have no ability to make such things

in the realm known as the nullverse a boy known as jaune arc is the middle of training in this world it's been 10 years when in the world he is in it's only been a few minutes he had been training with countless trainers all different creatures and people with different powers and such he is a god with these powers he has mastered the null crystal which is what he has named the crystal of darkness known as tiberium freedom/Tiberius darkness or the nullverse diamond  he is a skilled master of powers and weapons and his lord the nullverse god known as Evan Afton or the glitch he had given him the powers in the first place and planed to send him to another world and into another body for power training 

"so evan what's this world about" "your soul will be put in to a body of a boy that i shall not tell until you learn that out your self it's a world where 80 percent of the world has a power known as quirk but unfortunately for the males of the species only females get it you will be a male of the boy i was talking about you will be the exception of this and you will be the hope of the male's the hope they need the one they required but you will have to be carefully of any knock out devises foods drinks and gas and powder"

"why is that" "well from what i have seen the females treat males like breeding stock they will force them into so called breeding chambers were males are forced to have sex with females or milked like cows so you need to protect your self from such attempts but i have also made it so you can affect your nerve system so if you have to you can stop any feelings of pleasure"

jaune looks disgusted at the planet that is shown the fact they did that to males disgusting they have freewill and emotions

"so ready for the task at hand" "yes i am ready i will show females we are not just livestock and are living beings and deserve respect and if they don't show it they will learn to fear me" "okay it is time for you to change the world"

soon jaune started to disappear and a white floating orb surrounded by 3 other orbs of black purple and black white appear soon they leave for the world to free them from the tyranny known as the females soon he finds the body of the boy broken bruised mistreated he is pissed about this soon he enters the body and gets a lay out of his body mind and mental fortitude but he wants the boys permission

the boy known as redacted sees something he has never seen before it looks male and human yet he has part of creatures he has never seen soon it spots him then appears in front of him this scares him and he falls of his back

??? "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "woah sorry there kid i didn't mean to scare you like that sorry for that and ways shake my hand" this get the kid confused by his friendliness but soon grabs his hand which farts "pffff the woopy cushion in the hand trick works every time" soon he noticed the kid just starring at him "helllo kid you there earth to bo" "ahahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahhahaha" the boy just goes laughing his eye out out of happiness and entertainment "well it's good to see your spirits up" "thank you mister for that it's been a rough day" the kid talks to him like he's been meeting him forever "woah kid don't start talking to me like we have been meeting for years" "what do you mean" said the confused boy "well were still strangers the names jaune arc or jaune afton or jauney if you prefer" "my name is Izuku that's a nice name mister jaune i keep calling him izuke like how one says the beginning of kiwi "there is no need to call me mister i'm still 17 i'm not that old but i'm not annoyed" "oh sorry but that is how i address people" "well how about you call me bud" "cool thanks jaune bud" "good your already used to it  but hey would you like some powers of your own" this got the kid giving of the flames of determination that rivals hells flame "YES SIR I WANT TO BE COME A HERO AND PROVE EVERYONE WORNG THAT MALES CAN BE HEROS" "woah buddy you sure are attached to the idea of being a hero and i'm here to give hope to males in this world and those acts of hope for males will be your actions to do and to save the males of your kind" "yes sir jaune i will be the hero of the males" "well you would need some of my dna to do what you need to do it does hurt but will you go past it and achieve the status of hero among the males" "yes sir i will go through h e double hockey sticks to be there hero well" "pfff haha well kid it's called hell so theres no need to say it like that but still this will hurt so brace your self" soon he injected his blood into the boy and he started to change "w...WOW SO COOL I LOOK AWESOME LET ME AT SOME BAD GUYS" "HOLD ON BOY you need to train with your powers to master them so i will be your trainer so let's begin "TO BECOME A HERO YOU MUST GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA" yell both because he wanted to instill the sprite into izuku so he will go beyond the call of duty

in the boys mind it's been 20 years of training in the 5 year of training he taught Izuku the factor about blood he didn't like that but he knows sometimes it must be done to keep the peace year 10 is well he had his innocents taken away

                                                        flash back                                                                          well Izuku i need to teach you something about the females which will ruin your innocents but will prepare you for the threat that will appear in the future so will you take the risk" "yes master jaune i need to learn every threat to me so i can keep the peace and protect myself" well i can't really explain this my self but watch some of these video and they will explain the whole thing

soon jaune gave him a phone and made him a room to watch it in he was confused why but he went in and watched and soon after learning about sex foreplay masturbation let's just say he played it and learned the concept of cuming but did wash his hands with ultra soap after that "so whats does this warn me about" "well when females find out there is a boy with quite a few quirks they will want children with you because your the first male with powers and those powers are beyond god but because of how the females will get angry if only one of them get you but more importantly put you in a breeding chamber so many females can have sex with you so they aren't angry so you need to be prepared for that" Izuku just nodded knowing about what the problem is soon they went back to train and at the 15 year mark he was taught about jaunes world the fact he is just lines of code and such he had became a bad ass soon the training was complete and he started to wake up and jaune gave him a thumb's up and he woke up and knew what to do 

                              KING CRIMSON HALO RING ACTIAVTION

why did i have to ruin Izuku innocents well this spose to reference another mha story known as the only male hero so that is why i warned him of that so goodbye fleshgod out

jaune afton nullverse general "disowned" read and it might give you cancer_aidsWhere stories live. Discover now