Chapter 5

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"But sir, this kid is only seventeen

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"But sir, this kid is only seventeen. What kind of trouble could he have gotten into."? I say, looking at the open mission folder.

"I understand that Agent Coulson, but have you seen how many people he has killed over the past 7 months. 45 people were killed by one person. He is a risk to society." Furry tells me, annoyance in his voice.

"Really?" I say, suddenly realizing that I haven't really looked through the file.

I flip through it. Parents died when he was 6 years old. He and his brother Barney ran away after a year and a half and joined the circus. When he was 12 and a half, he got his own act - the amazing Hawkeye. A few things must have happened because when he was 15, he ran from the circus and lied on his enlistment when he joined the army. He was thrown out after a year and a half at the age of 16 when his commanding officer found out how old he was. But he wasn't taken to prison. Officer probably felt sorry for the boy. For the past 7 months, he has been working as a mercenary. But there was something odd about his weapon. He only used a bow and arrow. Acting sort of a calling card or something. Normally people in this line of work, keep on the down-low.

"As soon as you see the boy, I want him taken out - eliminated." Furry says, seeing I was finished looking through the file.

"But sir why me. I mean wouldn't this be a mission for Stanford or May. Or even Columbo. I mainly give out the missions and take care of the paperwork." I say. I really don't want to go but I know Furry won't back down and give just give the assignment to someone else. "Besides, he is taking out terrible politics, drug dealers, pimps, those sorts of people. He's not too dangerous. Although murder is illegal. He has the right intentions."

"Ok, what happens when he gets sick of shooting the bad guys and starts to target the vulnerable and innocent. What then Coulson?" Furry says, raising his eyebrow. "I got intel that his next target is at a conference party in Budapest. Turns out he is targeting the Prime minister.

I don't say anything.

"I chose you for this mission and you're gonna complete it. You're on a jet to Budapest in 1 hour. You will take this kid out." Furry says getting up from his desk.

I sighed and walked out of the room, with the file in my hand. I headed back to my room and started to pack for the trip. I was in the middle when I heard a knock at my door. I turned around and saw Stanford. "Hey what's up?" I say, turning my attention back to packing.

"I heard about your field assignment. You get to do more than just give out the missions. You get to complete one." he says, leaning on the door frame.

Stanford only cared about the fighting, action, and going into the field. He didn't care about the other aspects like working together and helping others.

"So, who is the guy? Someone targeting the Prime minister of Australia? Drug dealer?" he asks, picking up the mission folder. He flips through it with a few Oh's and Ah's

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