Chapter 10

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I was sitting on my bed, finishing up paperwork from a mission a did a while back

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I was sitting on my bed, finishing up paperwork from a mission a did a while back. I completely forgot to do it and thankfully Coulson reminded me before Furry was on my tail. I finish up and decide to take a walk and hand it into Coulson. I get off my bed, throw on some shoes and head down to Coulson's office. I was halfway to his office when I bumped into Hill.

"You're just the person I was looking for. Furry wants you in the briefing room," she tells me.

"Ok. Hey Maria, could you please give this to Coulson when you see him." I tell her, putting out the folder.

"He's also in there."

"Ok." I give a small nod and head to the briefing. I head down a hall, where I am met by two large glass doors. I push one open and walk into the briefing room. Clint and Coulson were in the room already sitting down at a large glass table. I take a seat next to Clint and Furry begins.

"I have a mission for you two," he says, tossing us each a mission folder.

"Obviously, why else would we be here." Clint mumbles, flipping through the file. I hit Clint with my foot under the table. "Why else would we here for Nat?"

I roll my eyes. "So, we are after a highly trained terrorist who is kidnapping couples and blaming the government. Sounds kinda farfetched."

"You two will pose as a married couple and try and take this guy down. The last thing we need is another war." Furry says, sitting down. He turns on a projector and projects the place where SHIELD thinks they are taking the couple.

"It's a spa place?" Clint says, not sounding impressed.

"It's actually the perfect cover. I mean, couples love having relaxations days together so that must be how they are causing them to disappear or well kidnap them." I say, sitting back in my seat.

"You're on a jet to Budapest in 2 hours."

"Why is it always Budapest?" he complains.

Furry continues to quickly brief us on our mission, we then leave to pack. I get out my duffle bag and throw a few shirts, jeans, and a nice dress in there. I throw in some toiletries and shoes. I pack my suit and a few guns. Recently, a got gloves the can shoot electricity. I think they were helpful. I grab my bag and head to Clint's room, who was just coming out. He smiles and we head down to the hanger, where there was a jet waiting for us. We get in. We are on our way to Budapest.

"What was up with the protest to go to Budapest earlier?" I ask him.

"I am always going to Budapest. I went there to kill the Mafia, I went there when I was still a mercenary and I am now going there to stop a couple kidnapping terrorists." he groans and turns to me.

I lean into him and laugh. "You must be pretty familiar with Budapest then." He rolls his eyes. He places his arm around me, and we talk about just random stuff. We eventually reach Budapest and we go check into the hotel.

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