Chapter 7

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After being revealed as the Black Widow, I felt like the entire organization didn't trust me

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After being revealed as the Black Widow, I felt like the entire organization didn't trust me. Except for Coulson and Barton. They were the only two people that had full trust in me and saw me more than the killer I was trained to be. I was in the training room when Agent Columbo walks in. The room fell silent and we all stood in a line.

"Everyone, today, we will be practicing our long-distance shooting. Now today, we will be having a guest agent join us to help with our formation, etc. He is a specialist agent and still holds the longest-distance shooting record." he says, pacing up and down the line.

We each take a gun and begin our practices. Honestly, I prefer hand-to-hand combat, but this works too. I looked around in between each of my warm-up shots and saw some people were still a little uncomfortable with their weapons It was like second nature for me. After we were finished, I realized that all the girls were fixing their appearance. Why does everyone suddenly care about how they look. When the guest agent walked in, it suddenly made so much sense.

"Everyone this is Agent Barton. He still currently holds the long-distance shooting record." Agent Columbo says. He set's the target as far it will go.

"I thought they went further than that, Columbo," Barton says, with a frown.

"Yeah, when you were in training. Since no one came close to your record, we decided we would let them stop to the distance you currently hold has our record," he explained to Barton. Barton did an understanding nod and grabbed a gun. He holds up and shoots. He doesn't even look at the target to see if he got it. It hit dead center Everyone clapped. I did a small half-hearted clap.

"Ok now everyone. Keep shooting and Agent Barton will come around if you need assistance." Columbo says.

We all continue with our shooting. Most of the girls pretended to be terrible so they could just have Clint come around to help them. I rolled my eyes and continued. I then felt someone come up behind me. I knew exactly who it was.

"What do you want bird brain." I say, keeping my eye, on my target.

"You wanna tip?" he asks me. I shrugged "Sure I guess." I put my gun down.

"Ok, your shooting is perfect, but your arms are a little stiff, which caused them to shake. If you relax them a little, it will improve your aim. Trust me." he says. He corrects the way I was standing and then stands back. I shoot, hitting dead in the center. "See."

After about 2 hours, we were dismissed. Only after the session, Clint was swarmed by girls. He looks like he enjoys the lady's attention, then he doesn't at the same time. I laugh to myself, watching him struggle to walk around.

 I laugh to myself, watching him struggle to walk around

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