Chapter 12

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It has been 2 months since the Budapest incident

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It has been 2 months since the Budapest incident. The stitches were finally taken out of my side and I was finally cleared to get back into the field. FINALLY! I was at Clint's family house. Honestly, I think this whole getaway has been good for me. I mean, I got to know more about Barton, and I created a new friend. My relationship with his sister was awkward at first but now it seems like we have known each other since high school.

Clint's niece and nephew call me 'Auntie Nat'. It doesn't bother me at all. I also have good relationships with Lila and Cooper.

"Hey, you nearly ready to go?" I heard Clint say, as he was zipping up his bag. I nodded and put my bag over my shoulder.

"Have a safe journey guys," Laura says, giving me a hug.

"When are we not safe," Clint says jokingly. Before he got his hug from his sister, he got a hit over the head.

I hug Cooper and Lila. "You're going to come back, soon right?" Lila says, after giving me a hug.

"Of course. In the meantime. Why don't you draw some pictures and when we come back you can show us."? I say, kissing the top of her head. I give Cooper a high-five and follow Clint to the car.

"Ready to go back to work?" Clint asks, getting into the car.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say, turning the radio on and rolling down the window.

We talk and laugh on the way back to my apartment.

"Hey, so when are we going to move into that apartment together?" I ask, taking my bag out and throwing it on the floor.

"Well, the base is going into renovations, so we automatically get leave unless Furry needs us for a mission," he says, throwing himself into a chair.

There was a knock at the door. I walk to the door knowing that Clint wouldn't get up. I open it and a blonde-haired girl stands in front of me with determination and anger in her eyes.

"Bobbie hey...what's up?" I ask. She doesn't respond but pushes past me.

"We need to talk," she says. There was anger in her tone. I was beginning to get worried. "I heard Clint and you are dating."

"Yes...what has that got to do with anything."

"Does Furry know, because both of you can get fired? Partners aren't allowed to be dating."

"Furry knew that we would end up together before we even knew. He said he trusts that we would be professional with our relationship and that we won't let it interfere. Now Bobbie, please explain to me how our relationship has to do with anything. It isn't affecting anyone."

"Yes, it is. It is affecting ME! Clint is MINE!" she yells and walks into the living room. She notices Clint laying on the couch and yells again.

"YOU TWO ARE EVEN LIVING TOGETHER!" This causes Clint to fall off the couch.

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