The Dinotrix!!

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Creator: Azmuth

Owner: Y/n

Type: Level 20 DNA Alterer and Extinct species Reviewer

Background: Azmuth Created this 2nd edition of the Omnitrix with the Idea of Extinct Creatures in Mind and using fossil remains and living dinosaurs he collects the DNA Of 10 Creatures, and adds them in there, before giving them to Ben's Best friend in Bellwood, Y/n L/n, who has been A Dinosaur Fanatic since A Child

Features: 10 Forms (Currently. More can be added by obtaining DNA), Scans DNA From living things, Fossils, and dead Tissue, Has A 10 Minute time Limit, as A Species Lock mode which keeps User in one species until the setting is turned off,


Name: Gojira

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Name: Gojira

Powers: Atomic Breath, Extreme size, Self warming, no need to eat or drink, permanent supply of Atomic energy, Inpenertable Hide, Can breathe underwater, Extremely long life, the Pinnacle of Evolution

Weaknesses: Even Bigger Kaiju, and Man-made weaponry more powerful than Nukes

Weaknesses: Even Bigger Kaiju, and Man-made weaponry more powerful than Nukes

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Name: King

Powers:  Keen eyes, Sharp crocodile-like Teeth, Long Muscle-Filled flexible Neck, Large flexible grasping hands, Warm-Blooded and could survive extreme colds, A Thick Hide and Scutes that can survive gun fire easily, Can change its body temperature and Color Pigment both at the same time, Flexible, Strong tail, Can walk on all fours for more steady gait, and on twos for faster travel, Human intelligence

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