Gundam Celfon!!

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Name: Gundam Celfon

Creator: Unknown

Type: Gundam/ AI Robot

Owner: Y/n

Background: It was A Yellow flip phone stuck in an Old Chinese shop for almost 30 years gathering dust when A Teen Named Y/n L/n walked into the shop, and Since he's begging his Parents for A New Phone, he decided to Pay out of Pocket for it, Only for when he returns home he discovers it's an AI known as Celfon, and it can save the world as A 60ft Tall Gundam warrior

Features: Can be disguised As A Late 90's- Early 2000s Yellow Flip Phone, and can turn into It's Gundam Mode, It can go from 6 inches tall, to 60 Ft tall when it wants to, can fly, can Fly, Can connect to The Wifi, Can play Video, Make calls, Can absorb solar energy for power, and make Solar based attacks, Can dial up A Random Number, for Sudden effects and Attacks

Height: 60 Ft/ 18 Meters

Pilot: Y/n L/n (But AI Can Pilot itself most of the time)

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