Blood Lust Lantern Ring!!

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Name: Blood Lust Lantern Ring

Creator: The Black Lantern Core

Type: Lantern Ring-Fusion weapon

Background: During the Blackest Night event The Black Lanterns has stolen A Red Lantern Ring and had fused it with A Black Lantern ring to Create the Blood Lust lantern ring, and before it can be Put on the superheroes stopped them and the ring ended up in the Hands-on A Man Named Y/n L/n who though were overcome with A Intense need to Kill he was able to overcome it and Became the Very first and only Blood Lust Lantern!

Features: User can Do Space Travel, Create Black and Red Constructs, Can Raise the dead, go into A Berserker state, Can fire energy Blasts, can fly, the only Limit is the Imagination, and he has A Whole lot of that

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