Chapter 10

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About a week has passed, and everyone but Christian, Tyler, and I have forgotten about the whole incident with Steve. Tyler has tried talking to Christian about it, but Christian will just shut it down. I'm worried about my baby, he's so young and to go through so much, I'm scared for him. The foster care system really does change you, and sometimes it's not in a good way. It makes you put up these barriers and rely on only yourself, because you can't trust anyone. So I'm afraid that Chris has put up his barriers already, and is hurting deeply while Tyler and I do nothing about it.

I'm sleeping, when my eyes shoot open. My mother senses are tingling. I get out of bed, and look in all of the kids' bedrooms. Hm... they're fine, so what is it?

Even though I'm terrified I walk all over the empty dark house in the middle of the night, checking for anything that could threaten my kids of Tyler. Nothing messes with my family.

As I'm walking into the kitchen, I pass by the front door, and I hear something from outside.

I swear I'm about to pee my pants.

I grab a knife from the kitchen, and peek through the window next to the door. I slap my hand over my mouth as I almost scream. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap!

I drop the knife on the floor as I run up to my bedroom and jump onto of Tyler and shake him frantically as I shake violently.

"Tyler! Tyler! Tyler! Wake up!" I say as loud as I can without waking the kids up.

Tyler's eyes open, and he grabs onto my shoulders. "What Raven?" He whispers.

"H-he's here." I whisper. Still shaking.

"Who Raven? Who is here?" Tyler asks sitting up still holding onto me.

"Tyler he's here! He's-he's gonna hurt them!" I whisper panic starting to set in.

"Raven, who is here?" Tyler asks sternly.

"Steve! He's here Tyler! He's gonna try to take Keely and Christian!"

Tyler gets of bed, and we go to the front door, where Steve no longer is.

"Tyler, he was just here! Where did he go?"

Before Tyler can say anything, there's a bang on the front door, making me jump.

"I know you're right there! Give me my kids back!" Steve yells.

"They are not your kids. Now leave before I call the cops!" Tyler says through the door, hopefully quiet enough so that way the kids don't wake up.

"They are my kids! And I am not going to stop until I get them back! Even if I need to kill you to get to them!"

Tyler's face whitens in the soft moon light, and I'm sure I look the same.

"I'll kill your two little kids and you two if it means getting my kids back!!"

Steve throws something at the door, and then he's gone. Tyler double checks that everything downstairs is locked, and I pick up the knife that I dropped on the ground earlier.

I hear a light whimper, and I whirl around, and see Christian standing at the top of the stairs. Oh dear, I'm sure he heard all of that.

I walk up the stairs to him, and squat in front of him.

"It's my fault." He whispers.

My heart stops. It's who's fault?

"Christian, it is not your fault." I say as softly and yet as sternly as I can.

"No, no it is. He's gonna hurt you because you're my mom and Keely's mom. He's gonna hurt you guys. It's all my fault."

I reach out, to hug Christian and reassure him that none of this is his fault, but he jumps away.

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