S2 Chapter 15

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this chapter will take place in dazai's POV from the episode 'only a diamond can polish another diamond' then during that it'll be back to myuzu's POV, just to let you all know for it just to give you a heads up, hope you enjoy! <3 (just to let out a warning, i don't wright long fights when it comes to dazai and chuuya fighting randou, I'll do longs fights when is atsushi, akutagawa and kitsune fighting with francis)

after myuzu left and found out about Fyodor

dazai's POV:

"i only have memories of one part of my life, unlike you i didn't lose my memories from trauma, my life only really started eight years ago, before that everything was just...darkness, somewhere in that darkness I was floating aimlessly, eventually someones hand broke through the outer edges of that void and draged me to the outside world." chuuya said.

he then looks up at randou, "that hand was yours wasn't it?"

randou then smirks at chuuya's guess "where did you find me? to find the answer i decide to follow this case, now tell me everything that you know." he said

"very well then, if anyone you have the right to be told." randou said then activates his ability, chuuya quickly activates his, but got hit in the process.

he then eventually got hit and crashed through the door.

"why didn't his gravity powers work?" i asked.

randou then answered, "unlike a bullet, the subspace i control doesn't abye by the laws of physics."

he use his ability to give the example as he continued, " it is if another world entirely which has been closed off from this one, and i alone hold the key."

-after a long fight with randou and former mafia boss-

after the former boss disappears i drop my metal guard that i carried in my bandage the whole time.

i walk over to chuuya and randou.

"you some kind of shitty magician now dazai?" chuuya asked pissedly

"really chuuya? did you think i was wearing a cast for no good reason?" i said and stoped next to him seeing randou dying.

"you'll tell us everything we want now, won't you randou?" i asked

"...it was on that day eight years ago i have infiltrated this country with my colleague and that is when it all happen." he said

i was listening to him getting to the point of where he's going.

"what did?" i asked.

"we came here in order to steal a beam of remarkable power that was being houlsed in a secret military facility, but upon reaching our target before i was able to obtain it, my partner betrayed both me and our country, he and i fought over the entity and admits the struggle would discover and apprehended by the japanize military, in order to escape with my life i had no choice but to unleash you, the beam i had stolen from your dark prison and i attempted to use my ability to take control, but before i could react you blew up the facility at an instant the records where lost along with my memories, my name isn't rondou, someone i met here simply mistook the type of hat i wore as a randou and that became my name." he told the whole story.

i then ask, "what happen to you're partner?"

"i killed him with my own hands...chuuya...i suspect you are not in fact arahabaki itself...but a human vessel that was chosen to keep it restrained, you're very strong, not because of arahabaki but simply your strength as a human being," he said

"sure whatever." chuuya say nonchalantly.

"regardless of what's living inside of you, you'll always be yourself that solace enough is it not? every human being...every living creature they go about their lives on this earth without knowing what they truly are...how strange for the first time, my body feels warm," randou said smile and died from his final words.

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