S2 Chapter 21

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kitsune's POV:

i have woken up from battle with Francis and the guild that I realize that I was at Atsushi's place.

myuzu was there also but he left just with dazai just to meet mori to surprise him soon.

Atsushi told me that the ADA and the port mafia will have an alliance just to take the guild down and that we have to face off Francis.

i would argue but I give in and nodded in agreement, I only agree cause my brother will fight alongside dazai and chuuya, they use to be what I call, "the dark trio" yeah my brother is awful at coming up with names, but it still fits.

myuzu's POV:

"I really don't feel like working." dazai wined, honestly...he's the same winey man-child as I remembered, I was next to kunikida giving dazai a 'really?' look.

"Are you seriously going to mope around like this the whole morning?" kunikida said giving dazai a scolding look.

'sis was right about him being a serious person for working, writing things in his guidance book, and being the only person to have the same annoyance as chuuya' I thought while sweatdropping.

dazai just kept mopping saying "any other time i'd be up for having this conversation with you, but not now please."

I sigh as I walked past kunikida and went behind the couch, then start to hit dazai in the head really hard, that hit for sure will give him a pump on the head.

"myuzu! why did you hit me that hard?!" dazai whined in pain at me, while holding his only hand on his hand since the other is "cast" from the crash with ago, I can never forget that man for betraying odasaku like that.

"cause you had to act like a grown-up and have work done, and by the name of lord just act like an adult for once!" I scolded him.

then kunikida, start to speak breaking our conversation "what happened to the energetic young hero who just help save this town from the brink of destruction?"

dazai turns his head to the other side not looking at both of us, "the boss has me lined up for this new job and I don't wanna."

'yup! definitely a man-child, I understand how chuuya felt all those years' I thought, giving dazai a deadpan look with a hint of annoyance.

"is that the same one Atsushi, kitsune, and the boss were talking about yesterday?" kunikida questioned.

"correct" I heard the boss's voice as he appear out of nowhere along with my little sister.

kitsune's POV:

I stand next to the boss, as my big brother, kunikida and dazai fix themselves from our pretenses.

kunikida stands tall greeting the boss "good morning sir."

the boss then looks at dazai, "dazai, what's the status of that meeting with the port mafia?"

I looked at kunikida and almost laugh at his face as he was a little pale form either mentioned about the port mafia or wanted the boss's attention like a sick puppy.

"I've made the arrangements," dazai replied, still looking at kunikida digit his eyes at dazai not moving a muscle.

"do you think their boss will come?" kunikida then digit his eyes back to the boss in confusion.

'he really doesn't know?' I thought while snickering in my head.

"I'm positive, it's the perfect opportunity for him to kill you after all." dazai said.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now