Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


As I walked back to the cave with Rin I let my mind wonder to what it willed and became lost in the thought of the jackass of a lord Sesshomaru and the way he looked. The strong and sharp planes of body and I imagined his eyes. They were golden and they seemed to pierce though you and find every fault in your being in one fleeting glance. My daydream was cut off abruptly when I came face to face with the very man I was daydreaming about. He raised an eyebrow as if to ask why I was so surprised that he would be there before we came back. I srugged in reply and quickly passed him but as I did his arm grazed mine and I shuddered as I imagined all the things that he could offer me if I could get a hold of him. I quickly shook it off and continued on into the cave but not without looking over my shoulder to him a smirk on on his face that made my face go red when I realized that he could feel my turned-on emotions. I turned a deep shade of red before regaining my composure and holding my chin up high daring him to rebuke me. He in turn cocked an eyebrow and turned his attention towards Rin. When he turned away from I turned on my heels and made it for the makeshift bed I had prepared for myself and laid down to quickly rest for the journey ahead of us. I tried to sleep but my mind raced as I thought of the posibillites as well as the the problems that I knew that loom as we returned to 'his' group. 


That woman was an interesting being considering the fact that she was also the most irritation woman that had I have ever met in all of my years. When she had come in, I couldn't help the scan that my eyes did of her body as I took in the tight battle suit that she was wearing. It hugged her curves and her tail wrapped around the waist and over her shoulder almost protectively. She had strapped her sword right under her tail at her waist and had her bow slung over her back and to keep her hair out of her face she had pulled it into a high ponytail that just grazed the curve of her ass. My demon was going crazy inside my head chanting a single that I couldn't seem to make scence of no mater how hard I listened to him. 

The wrench looked dazed and deep in thought when she walked and she seemed to be surprised that I was already there when she finally noticed me so I raized my eyebrow but she strugged it off. Before she got much farther she looked over her soulder at me just in time to see my smirk as I felt the hormones pouring off of her. She turned bright red before raising her head head high. I, in turn, recocked my eyebrow before fixing my attention on Rin. As the woman layed in her 'bed' I talked to Rin or rather she talked to me until she got sleeepy and fell asleep. While the two women sleep I thought on the things that had come to happen in the short time the woman was with us. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


When I woke up in the cave I scanned my surrounding to see that Rin was waking up and Sesshomaru was already up and pacing impaciently for us. He seemed to feel my eyes on him because he meet my gaze and had a look that told of all of his need to go and the impancience that he was displaying so I quickly rose. I grabbed my bow and sword and quicky strapped them on myself and then picked up my bag. Sesshomaru eyes flicked to Rin, who was still halfsleep so I picked he up and continued my way out of the cave. As soon as he walked out I took off into the sky with him close on my heels as I led the way to the villiage near the bone-eaters well...........................................................................................................

When we finally reached the villige Rin was fully awake and we seemed to have a small reciption there to greet us. When we reached the edge of the villiage me and Sesshomaru landed in front of the clay pot, mutt, and my friends. 

Inuyasha:"What are you doing here Sesshomaru and who is this demoness that you have with you!"(he of course already has his sword drawn)

Sesshomaru choses to ignore him and instead glanes at me and gives me a look that seems to say go ahead, so I clear my though to get their attention.

Kagome:"Inuyasha, put the damn sword away and shut the hell up."

Inuyasha:" Who the hell do you think you're talking to wrench and why do you smell of Kagome"

Kagome:"If you would shut up I would tell you........( I pause)............I smell like Kagome because she is me and I am her so I have come for my cub so that I may be on my way."

The whole sentence was barly out of my mouth when a body was hearld at me with a force that sould surly knock me over if I was still human.

Shippo:"Mama, is that really you"

I chucked as he smuthered me but I still reply,"I told you that I would come back for you." Then just like that the other seemed to break out of their daze and rushed me, thank goddess that I had put Rin down by Sesshomaru. 

Kikyo:" Why are you back and what gave you the idea to bring Sesshoaru with you." she sneered

I looked at her dissmisivly but I still replyed" Oh, I came for shippo and he will be traveling with me and Sesshomaru for a while."

Before anyone could argue I took off back into the sky with both Rin and Shippo in my arms and headed back in which the way I came. When I reached the cave I set both of them down inside and told them that I would be back.

As soon as I stepped out I was meet with.........................................................................

Cliffhanger..........................................sorry but I have to do something to keep you reading

who do you thik it is???????????

A) Sesshomaru

B) Inuyasha

C) Koga

D) her mother

E) Naruku

Vote and read next capter to find out.

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