Chapter 5

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For what seemed like forever I could not seem to believe that I was seeing what was before my eyes.............................Naruku........damn fuck my life. The surprising part was that they were holding hands and my mom looked different, with striking new features she looked like a more murture image of my new apperence but the only difference was her color instead of black with white she was the opisite, white with black and her eyes were a bueatiful green color. My hand started to grop for my bow that wasn't there when I looked at Naruku but before I could question why he was there my mother spoke

"Kagome, I came as soon as I felt your transformation, finally you can know the truth of your birth and our background."

I gained even more confusion when she said five words that broke my world into millions of tiny pieces ..........................

.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."Naruku is your father, Kagome."

(I was so tempted to end it here but I thought that you guys deserved a little extra...............enjoy)

Then all hell broke loose.........................because just at that moment Sesshomaru showed up with a blank espression, followed closly by Inuyasha weilding his sword like an idiot with my friends and the clay pot trailing behind.

"What the hell is Naruku here and who is this wrench"~Inu

I ignored him up until the point when he had his sword inched away from my mother then I took action. Running with a flash I moved Inuyasha from my mother, may have broken a bone or two or his, didn't care because I wanted answers bewore anyone was fighting anyone.

"Mother please explain why you are here and what do you mean that Naruku is my father, my father is dead, I saw him die myself."

My mother looked my in the eyes for a full minite before speaking and I felt my heart drop with every word she said.

"Kagome, I will tell you my story. When I was a young demoness, not much older then you, I met a man who was coldhearted, spiteful and evil and I had to witness the bloody scene of his killing my family. I had hid myself in the corner of my room as I waited for him to find me as I sat there and shivered in fear, I felt him come near and heard him chucle and say 'come out come out little pup, you must know that the demon always wins in the end' bit still I hid and when he was upon me I shut my eyes and awaited my death. I felt a had close around my neck and my eyes jumped open to look into the eyes of my attacker as I felt sparks. The monster loosened his hold on my neck then and hoisted me up into his arms and took off with me tight in his grip. I stuggled and screamed for help until I relizied no one could hear, so I was quiet until he dropped me in a room and beared my neck to him marked me as his. That night I lost my inncence and as hard I could not escape him no matter how many times I ran he found me and after years and years of me resenting him I found that my anger was so bad because I loved his so I finally allowed him back into my bed and not soon after you were born. My love took me to the well and sent me with one of his servents telling me to hid in the furture until your first shift, so I raised you as a human as I had you dog demon genes sealed until you turned seventeen. Now we are back in our time peirod and we have time for you to find the true colors of the man you call Naruku. I'm sorry Kagome."

I stared at my mother for a while until I turned my head to my socalled 'father' and asked the question that was eating at my soul.

"Naruku, if you are my father then why did you do the things that you did and why should I believe you.

He smiled a sad smile that was so different from his usual evil self and began a tell a story that broke my heart and lessened my hate by a small degree but our relationship still had a long way to go.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do you guys want to hear Naruku's story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope you enjoyed this part

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