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After studying for hours, my stomach begins to rumble. Food it is! Chris hasn't texted me yet so he's still studying. I close my books and take a pair of jeans from my closet. I change quickly and throw on a jacket before grabbing my keys and heading outside. There's an Asian restaurant a few blocks from the residence hall. The cold air lets me shiver slightly while I walk across the streets. Finally, I reach the restaurant and open the door. The smell of spicy noodles and fried chicken welcomes me together with cosy warmth.

"Charlie, nice to see you!", says Han as he walks past me to serve the food of two customers. "Same as usual?"

I nod while I sit in a small booth and the end of the small restaurant. Since I started studying in Manhattan, I come every Friday and Saturday evening here to order spicy noodles with fried chicken. I met Han, he's a 24 years old Japanese who works at Asian Booth as a waiter. We became friends and now he's sitting with me every time I'm here. Five minutes later, Han serves me my favourite meal with an ice-cold coke.

"Thanks, Han. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great. They accepted my request at the art school in Queens! I can work here and study", he says, his eyes full of happiness.

"That's awesome! You deserve it, you worked so hard to get a place there and now you're finally in! I'm so happy for you."

He sends me a smile and takes a sip of his coke. A strand of his dark hair loses from his perfect hairdo. He's really attractive with his muscular body and his deep voice. His smile grows when his eyes meet the green ones of a brown-haired girl who walks slowly to our table.

"Hey Ana", Han greets her with a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Han, don't ignore Charlie over there. Charlie is right, isn't it?", Ana asks with a smile towards me.

"Yes, I'm Charlie. You must be Han's girlfriend, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Awful that we didn't meet sooner. Han, can I get the same as Charlie has?"

"Of course darling", he says and leaves.

Ana sits on the chair opposite me. She's really nice and definitely belongs together with Han. She sends me a sweet smile before looking on her phone, scrolling through some social media posts. I think without her boyfriend she's a little bit shy. Maybe we can become good friends?

"Do you study in New York?", I ask her while going on eating.

"Yes, I'm studying journalism here in Manhattan. Next week I'm going to move to the residence hall. I live with Han at the moment but I think it will be easier for us if we live without the other so we can both fix on our studies. Where do you live?"

"Residence hall a few blocks away. I'm studying literature. I can show you around someday if you want to", I offer smiling.

"That would be great! Maybe I can get a room near yours or if we have luck we can live in the same", she tells excitedly.

"That would be cool", I agree.

Han returns with the food and drink for Ana. I think he is glad that Ana and I come along that well. I bet it's not easy for them to quit living together. A half-hour later, our plates are empty. Ana and I are laughing our lungs out while Han just looks at us weirdly. My phone buzzes and a smile crept on my face when I see who texted. Chris finished his studies for today so that we can text.

"It's late, I should go back before it's totally dark outside. I don't want some stranger to kidnap me", I joke and hug Ana goodbye.

"It was so nice to meet you, Charlie. Call me when you've got time. I'd love to hang out with you sometimes", she says.

"Me too. Watch out for her Han, she's a catch", I whisper to him so Ana can't hear me.

He nods smiling and hugs me too. With a last smile, I turn around and exit the restaurant. The cold air encloses me again and led by the light of the street lights, I go home.

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