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"What have you done?!", Chris screamed at me.

The police sirens got louder and louder. He handcuffed me to the headboard again walking the room up and down. He is frustrated and doesn't know what to do. He's afraid of what's happening next.

"I should have killed you!"

He slaps me across the face and I fall back from the strength. I start feeling dizzy, I think I hit my head badly. He grabs my neck, squeezing it tightly. I need more oxygen, he's going to kill me. I struggle under his grip, hoping to get him off me. The sirens are making my ears hurt, they're too loud. Nobody is knocking, they just storm in. My vision gets blurry. Suddenly I can breathe again. I look at the man in front of me in fear, not understanding what he is saying to me. An officer is pushing Chris to the floor, handcuffing him. My wrists are being loosened, my body is being lifted. I don't really get what's happening, I'm feeling dizzy. A paramedic takes me to an ambulance where I can recognize Han and Ana. She is crying and Han looks totally exhausted. Ana rushes over to me and takes my hand while sobbing slightly.

"I thought we lost you, I thought he killed you. Oh Charlie I'm so glad that you're okay", she says.

"I'm here Ana and I'm okay. Next time I want to meet a new guy I'll just go into some random club with you", I tell her with a forced smile before everything gets black and I collapse unconscious.

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