Chapter 11

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Itami crept out of a small tunnel. She turned back to wave goodbye to a couple of SilentStalkers as they blocked off the exit. Her rotting ear twitched at the sound of voices. Her gaze shifted forward and locked onto a group of "cats." She limped forward, wincing as her exposed spine grinded against bone. She saw the strangers give her a look of surprise, shock, and fear as she neared. She just put on a pain filled smile and greeted them, "Hello! What are you all doing here?" A dark blue molly stepped forward and examined her, "You're a God aren't you?" "Um, what gave it away...?" "No normal cat could live like....that." "O-Oh, right. I'm Itami, the Goddess of Pain and Life." "Huh, figures. I'm Cirsus and the others behind me are the Gods of Water, Love, and Ice and Peace." Cirsus's brilliant blue eyes looked at the pitiful Goddess, "Do you know what's going on?" "With what? Void? Or maybe Sinister...Or that other one...What happened to the other one anyway?" She got lost in thought for a second. "Wait. You know-" Itami snapped back to reality, "Oh sorry I wandered off. Um, you were saying?" Cirsus continued, "You know about Void?" "Well, kind of. I've heard my brother talking about him once. Said that I should stay away from him for my own safety." Blizzard interrupted the conversation with a grunt of pain as Storm gently let her onto the ground. The patchy she padded over to the injured God, ignoring Storm's protests. She gingerly ran a paw over the molly's body and started to sing softly. The God of Ice relaxed as if she was no longer in pain. When the song ended Itami opened her eyes to see the others, stunned, "What? I just took the burden off of her for a while........And I might have given her some extra time to live." "You shouldn't be using your powers (edited)out in the open like that! Someone could see!" Storm growled. The rotting Goddess just shrugged, "Brother says it's ok. Anyway, back to my original question: What are you guys doing out here?"

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