Chapter 23

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Her irises shifted into a deep shade of brown as she mingled with the group of cats. Everyone was too busy to suspect a thing as her pelt changed hues along with her mane. She had taken the form of a PrideSeeker with scars running all along her body. She couldn't help but smile. No one knew her now. No one knew of the powers she held. No one could outplay her at her own game. She padded through the mob. They were just about to depart to find the Ancients even though they had little to no information to where they were hiding. Fools. Only two goddesses know of their whereabouts and neither of them will share. Not too far from where she was were the BloodPredators. A lion-like growl came out of her jaws. Her own cult had actually believed Moht and her stupid lies. The Holy Ones had said nothing to them to test their stupidity and look where they were now. It's fine. At least we have a goddess-to-be under our claws that thankfully, no one else knows about. She leapt over a PainHealer, purposefully landing on and messing up their herbs. They scowled at her, but she just purred and walked on. She found joy in messing with the medicine cats of every tribe. Anything to cause them trouble made her smile. She passed through the new recruits: The Rushing River and The Bloomers. They had fought valiantly for their freedom, but were quickly put back in their place by Bliz and his SunScorchers. She overheard them whispering, "We need to get out of here." "Dear Shakati, help us!" "Do the other gods know?" She gave them a sharp glare and they shut up instantly. They bowed their heads submissively and she walked on. She could tell Moht of their chatter or she could keep it to herself. She would learn and punish them eventually- A thought came to her mind. Actually, what a great idea. She left the cluster of cats and headed off onto the moor. Off in the distance she could feel the energy of a few gods......and one underground. She paused for a second to change into a new persona. A silver FrostLight with gaping wounds. Her irises remained the same and she started off again. The closer she got, the better she could identify who they belonged to. Cirsus, Wakati, Storm, Berry, Mogey, Dolorem?....and Itami's in the ground. What a surprise. She neared their location and when she could see the other gods she put a fake face on. She cried for help and limp-ran into the middle of their group. They all looked at her in surprise as she crashed to the ground, scarlet blood trickled from her "injuries." "W-What's wrong..." Berry mewed both in shock and terror. "Moht!" the "silver" she gasped, "Ice'Deer's dead! Bliz killed our Chief! The other tribes-" "Calm down!" Storm meowed, "Tell us everything slowly." She attempted to get up, but her legs failed her. Luckily Storm was able to catch her. "H-Hey! Ugh, Pako!" "They aren't here!" Mogey called back. "Of all the times...Hold on." She leaned on his shoulder as he led her into their small shelter where Yati was staying. Perfect. Her brain pinpointed the leader and Prophetess of the BloodPredators. Tell Moht that this she-cat called 'Ira' of the RushingRivers, was gathering some brave souls to rebel against her and that you overheard them. Was the silent order. She smirked when she received their answers. "Thank you." She looked at him with entrancing eyes, "Y-You're kind of cute..." "I..." He stared into her optics. Wrong move. He smiled warmly and he started to clean her wounds. She purred triumphantly. When the blood was cleared from her pelt, the injuries had vanished. The God of Water curled up around her and they acted as if they had been mates for moons. The other molly that was there stared in shock and horror. She couldn't hear a thing, but what she saw was enough. The only problem was, she was too afraid to say anything and she was far too quiet for anyone else to hear. All she could do was watch her mentor fall for this strange being's trick. Heh. I didn't even need to make him fall for me, but it is more fun~ The two of them were talking about what had happened to them that day. The persona-changing she-cat had gotten onto the topic of Moht and her plan to take over the world, but Storm being in the state he was in, just nodded and listened with a grin. Hmph. Too bad he's so blinded by 'love' to even know what I'm saying. Just then, Berry barged in with a couple of herbs in her mouth. Her jaw hit the floor when she saw the stranger and her friend cuddling. "Storm?" "Hm? Oh hey Berry!" "Why are you so close to her? I didn't do this....A-And where are her wounds!" "What are you talking about?" "She just came in here bleeding! Don't you remember!" "What do you mean? I've been traveling with you guys for a while now, isn't that right Storm?" "Yeah. Stop playing these games with us," Annoyance tracing his voice. "I- but-" "Just stop! Come on Sirena, let's get out of here." The blue tom stormed out of there with "Sirena" following. She revealed herself to the God of Love for a split second when she passed. It was so satisfying to smell the fear radiating off of her. Her ears twitched at the sound of quiet paw steps approaching the pink she. Tch, it's fine. They'll learn eventually. "You!" A crystalline figure pounced onto the silver cat, sending them rolling on the ground. When the dust settled, Wakati was pinning her to the earth. "Hey! Get off of her!" Storm rammed into the she-fox, knocking her off. "Are you OK?" "Y-Yeah," She mewed, shaking slightly. "What in the multiverse Wakati! Why did you attack her!" He nudged her up and stepped forward protectively. The God of Time arose, "Can't you see through her lies? Or are you too blind!" "What lies?! Sirena is my mate! She'd never lie to me!" "Then ask her yourself Storm! Ask your dear Siren to tell you the truth!" By now, the others had gathered to see what the commotion was all about. "Siren..." He faced his "mate," "You wouldn't lie to me, right?" "Heh, I guess the gig is up." Her pelt turned black and her eyes gold. Her size increased and her mane faded into view. "I loved our little chat darling, but I'm afraid that fox is right. I've only been toying with you~" He stood there in shock, the effects of her spell slowly wearing off. Wakati growled and leaped, aiming for the Greater Deity's throat. The she-cat just stepped aside, letting her attacker skid into the dirt. "Look sweetie, what I told you back in the den, if you even remember of course, was all true. You might want to tell your friends when you finally recover," She turned to leave. "Oh and you better hurry. (edited)

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