Chapter 2

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The next morning you woke up bright and early. But when you entered the kitchen, you found your parents talking to a man you had never met before. It was apparent he was far older than you. In fact, you would later find out that he was ten years your senior. Your mother waved you over.

"Y/n, you're awake! Come say hello to Señor Iago Moralés. He's travelled so far to meet you," she said excitedly. 

"Buenos diaz," you muttered, all the while  keeping yourself planted by your parent's side of the table.

Iago grinned. There was something devious about the way he stared at you.

"Ah, the famous Y/n," he sighed. "Your parents have told me so much about you."

"Y/n, Don't just stand there!" hissed your father.

"Your father's right," added Iago. He pulled out the chair next to him and patted the seat. "We want you to sit down for this."

"For what?" you asked. "What's wrong?"

Your mother reached over the table and took your hand in hers.

"Y/n, we've fallen on hard times. Money's tight and it's gotten to a point where we can't even afford the most basic facilities.." she explained. "So, your father and I decided it would be best to find someone who would take care of you and provide for you in ways we couldn't. Luckily, we met Señor Moralés through a friend of a friend."

It was your fathers turn to speak next. This time, getting straight to the point.

"Y/n, there's no other way to say this. We've arranged for you to marry Señor Moralés in three weeks time."

"What?!" you exclaimed, beginning tremble all over.

"Please understand, we just want what's best for you!" your mother pleaded.

"But I haven't even finished school yet! I have friends! There's so much I want to do!"

Iago slung his arm around you.

"Your parents don't want to see their little girl suffer. You understand don't you, y/n?" he asked, getting close. "You'd only prolong their suffering by hanging around."

His words cut deep. Deep enough to make you consider your options.


Bruno, alongside his sister Julieta, squeezed their way through the encanto's crowded market. Having not seen you in two weeks, he planned to pay you a visit after helping Julieta run her errands. But when he caught a glimpse of you across the street, he excused himself and ran over.

"Y/n!" he called.

You spun around, seeming disoriented. Perhaps even lost. But when you saw Bruno, your whole face lit up.


"Long time no see, huh? What brings you to the market?" he asked.

"I'm going to the tailor to get my dress fitted."

"A dress? What's the occasion?"

"A wedding," you replied, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Who's wedding?"

You took a deep breath and turned away.


Just then, Iago burst through the crowd.

"There you are, y/n! Where did you—" he stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Bruno.

"And just who is he?" he asked, jabbing a thumb in Bruno's direction.

"That's Bruno. He's good friend of mine—" you tried to explain.

"Bruno? As in Bruno Madrigal, the misfortune teller?"

Bruno cleared his throat. "I also consider myself an amateur thespian—"

Iago stared daggers at him.

"Silence, Bruno!" he snarled. "Y/n, I don't want you hanging around with the likes of him anymore. He's nothing but bad news."

Iago tugged you away.

"C'mon, I have friends waiting for me at the tavern."

"But I thought you said we were going to get my dress?"

"We'll do that later. Now, let's go!"

Looking over your shoulder, you got one last long look at Bruno. He seemed completely and utterly at a loss, just standing there. Little did you know that his whole world had just fallen down around him.

 Little did you know that his whole world had just fallen down around him

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(This is honestly ass. I'm not even fishing for compliments at this point.)

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