Chapter 5

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As the doors of the casita opened to welcome you inside, the feeling that you were being watched suddenly came over you. Looking up, you saw a young boy peering down you from the bannisters with a toucan perched on his shoulder. A girl, who couldn't have been much older than sixteen, crouched beside him.

"Ay, don't stare!" Abuela exclaimed. "Come down and greet our guest."

They scrambled to their feet and hurried down the stairs.

"Hi, I'm Mirabel!" said the girl. As she introduced herself, she curtsied, causing her glasses to tumble onto the floor. To save Mirabel the embarrassment, you picked them up and handed them to her.

Instead of returning your kind gesture with gratitude, Mirabel sucked her teeth and half-winced, half-smiled.

"Oh, you're touching the glass.." she said.

Before you could apologise, Abuela cleared her throat.

"Antonio, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" she asked.

The boy, Antonio — who had been hiding behind Mirabel's skirt — Slowly poked his head out and offered a small smile. The toucan squawked, flapping its wings.

"He says you're nervous," said Antonio.


"This little guy can speak to animals!" Mirabel explained as she ruffled Antonio's hair.

"They're good company," Antonio replied with a shrug.

Right as you were about to start asking more questions, Abuela took you by the shoulders and steered you towards the kitchen.

"I'm sure Julieta and Pepa are waiting for us."

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