Chapter One

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You take one last look in the mirror and let out a steady breath.

"I got this. Today will not be easy, but I won't let it break me," you repeat your affirmation of the day.

You grab your keys and head down to the bus station for your first day of college. The campus is much larger than when you saw it the first time. You fidget with your fingers, wishing you could take off your mask to bite your fingernails.

"Um, ex-excuse me?" You tap the shoulder of a tall, slender man.

He turns and smiles politely.

"D-Do you know where C153 is?" You ask nervously.

"Right down that hall; third door on the right."

"Thanks," you say politely before rushing off to class.

You take a seat in the center where you know you won't go noticed but will obtain the information you need.

It isn't until your 4th class that your chest begins to tighten. Your teacher has called you out, but you're frozen with fear.

"I-I- You- I-" you stutter uncontrollably.

Then the bell chimes and you rush out without another word. You find an empty hallway and squat down with your back against the wall and your hair all over your face.

"But Danny- whoa! They're not okay. Hey," a curly-haired guy with chocolate eyes says gently. "What's wrong?"

"I- I- I don't know," you heave out. "I can't breathe."

"Calm down; everything is okay. Take deep breaths," he said patting your back.

You looked at his hair, becoming intruiged by its fluffiness and its natural curls. The longer you looked at his hair, the easier it was to take deep breaths.

"Here, drink some water," he said offering you a grey water bottle. You chug nearly half of it before your nerves finally reach homeostasis. "Do you need help getting to class?"

You shake my head.

"I only have four classes a day. I need to get home," you blush as you take in his gorgeous features.

He's a bit pale but his cheeks have a slight color. His hair is black and his nose is small and adorable.

You look away to refrain from gawking at him and stand up a bit too quickly. You stumble but he catches you by your arm.

"I'll take you home. You don't seem steady," he creases his brows in concern.

"No, really, I'm fine," you smile meekly before attempting to walk away.

"I wasn't asking," he sighs and takes your bag. "As of now, I'm adopting you."

"You're what?" You quirk my head to the side. "Hey, wait up!"

You rush after him, grabbing the other strap of your bag.

"I'll follow, but give me my bag please," you say politely.

"Okay, love," he says handing your bag back.

You blush at his nickname and slow to a steady pace behind him.

"I'm Arny by the way," he turns to you with a smile.

"Y/N," you say shyly.

"Well, y/n, we're going to make great friends," Arny says ruffling your hair.

You sure hope so. You sit in the back, since Arny's friend takes the front seat, and give directions to your home.

"Um, thanks," you mumble and begin to climb out of the car but Arny stops you.

"Phone, please, love," he holds his hand out and you obediently place your phone in his palm. "Here's my number. Call me anytime."

"Okay," you say stunned. Nobody's ever been this nice.

He must want something. I wonder what it is... You wonder to yourself.

Once inside the comfort of your apartment, you untuck your sweater and lock the front door. You undress and throw your clothes in the hamper deciding that today you don't feel like wearing clothes.

You say topless with your boy shorts on and lay comfortably on your couch reading on Wattpad.

You don't realize you fell asleep until you wake up in the morning to the thoughts of those yummy chocolate eyes.

Checking the time on your phone, you roll off the couch and head to the shower.

While in the shower, you water your plants

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While in the shower, you water your plants. You sing to Billie Eilish and dance as you dry yourself.

You walk to your room butt naked and dance a little more, giggling and enjoying yourself until you realize you're all alone. You're used to the loneliness but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck.

"I'm all alone," you sigh to yourself.



Chapter one done! Onto chapter two! Hope you guys enjoy! ;* <3

ꍌꄲꄲ꒯ ꍌ꒐ꋪ꒒ ~ Arny Parsons x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now