CH3: Escape?

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Tommy visit dream.

He looks happy....and sad.

Dream: You receive from Quackity.

Tommy nods.

Dream: ....

There was long long silence between dream and tommy.

Suddenly they heard a noise.

Tommy: What?

Dream: Tommy....I'm sorry for everything.

Tommy: Wh-

Dream: Can we starts again? start from zero?

Tommy is confusing that he should take dream's hands or not.

Tommy: I-

Techno: Hello, Dream! 

Dream: Wait... you came? 

Techno: Bet you didn't to see me here!

Techno laughs loud.

Dream: No! What?! Wait, Techno, they added- they added glass here, so it sets off the alarm.

Techno: I did- I did notice that there was- there was this... slight... addition to the prison.

Techno looks at the observers surrounding the glass blocks.

Techno: Uh, that- 

Dream: Ever since we tried to get out. 

Techno: That is gonna be a slight problem, I'm not gonna lie. 

Dream: How did y- How did you get in? 

Techno: Oh, I used the blueprints! I... burrowed in from underground and swam up through the lava. With fire resistance. Also, I brought my dog, Apollo. Huge part of this operation. 

Dream: Why did you bring your dog? 

Techno: Why not? It's man's best friend.

Tommy is just standing up and hearing their plans.

Dream looks at tommy.

Dream: Hey techno.

Techno: Yeah?

Dream: Tell me the ways and I will get out alone while you are bring ranboo back.

Techno: Are you saying you will get out alone?

Dream: Yes.

Tommy: But many people is going to stop you.

Techno: Wait why is he here?

Dream: He was visiting me.

Techno: I see anyways it will be fine. 

Techno looks at them.

Techno: So I'm not breaking through this glass, it's too much work. But you know what I do have? 

Techno holds out a stack of TNT.

Dream: Wait... but will that not set it off? 

Techno: Oh, it's gonna set off the alarm, Dream!

Techno laughs. 

Techno: I think it's gonna set off the alarm! But the thing is, if I break a single block in this cell, the alarm's going off, so... If we're gonna set off the alarm... 

Techno places a block of TNT.

Dream, Tommy and Techno back up.

Techno: Let's do it in style!

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