CH22: Start of last game

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Sapnap glares at them and hold sword tighter.

Sapnap: ...

Dream: Now let's start the last game!

Punz comes down and start to fight with people.

Dream smiles.

Quackity: So, tommy are you ready?

Tommy: I'm always ready!

Quackity: Then let's go.

Quackity and Tommy jump down in next punz.

Punz: Just fight with random people.

Quackity: We know, we know.

Quackity holds axe and smiles at techno.

Quackity: Maybe....I can do little torcher with him :]

Tommy: If you do, well then we need more people.

Punz: I know but we only four since people betrayed us.

Tommy: Yeah...can you torcher few people?

Quackity: Yeah of course.

He smiles bigger.

Tommy: ...For me it's only two people.

Punz: Mine are......idk.

Tommy: Let's start.

Punz: Yeah.

Tommy wears mask and hold axe little tight.

The Start of game...Last game.

We will start the war 





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