CH4: Teammate?

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*This is my favorite scene except angst or lore dsmp stream. But yes! I love this so much.

Dream, Techno and Tommy arrive a house of techno and philza.

Techno said give his armor back.

Dream give him back.

Dream: Thank you techno! I'll owe you one!

Dream disappears.

Phil: Tommy? Why are you here?

Tommy: I-I'm a villain now.

Phil: ....Okay?

Techno: You should follow dream.

Tommy: Yeah you are right. Bye guys!

Tommy disappears.

Techno sighed and looks at philza.

Techno: That guy....Dream can bring people back to life.

Philza: Yeah.

Techno: Maybe he can bring ranboo back...

They look at far away where tommy and dream disappear.

Tommy walks and he saw dream.

Tommy: Dream!

Dream: Oh hey tommy. 

Tommy: Are you okay? Because...

He looks at dream.

Dream: I'll be fine. I have to meet someone. You wanna come?

Tommy nods and they start walking.

They saw one person.

Tommy stopped walking and he was surprised.

*I'm not English person and I just hear and type it. So please tell me if it is wrong. Ty and enjoy :)

Dream: Oh punz!

Punz: Dream!

Dream: Yes! Long time no see buddy!

Punz: Let's go dude!

Punz: Oh my god. It's like-

Dream: Oh my god.

Punz: I thought plan was to meet you here ages ago. I've been waiting for so long and- and- and finally like see you again. Jesus little-

Dream: South went a little south. Do you have armor for me? I'm very much in need-

Punz: Oh yeah yeah yeah. I brought the -I brought the gear. I figured you'd probably need some getting out of here. 

Punz closes ender chest.

Punz: Um...dude, being in isolation for that long probably doesn't number on people. I hope you're doing alright. Here's absolutely wild wait, there's some more mu there...

Punz give dream something.

Dream: It was uh -It was crazy in there. It did techno and tommy. He was also there with us. Techno came through i -I figured it probably happened but-

Punz ask dream to break his enderchest and shulker box(Idk spell ;-;)

Dream: But It's okay. I finally found the rendezvous point. It's a little different than I thought it would be but um-

Punz: Yeah I hope you did well in prison that should be-

Dream: I would have had us to go the island to be fair but I -I just it's a little too far so yeah.

Punz: It's totally -It's totally alright. I'm finally -I'm glad I can finally see you again, even though it took so long. 

Punz: I hope you uh -you're doing alright and um yeah. Let's go dude. You're finally out. You're finally- I'm so sorry it went -It went they way it did earlier.

Punz: I'm glad you're finally out though. Let's go.

Dream walks a little.

Dream: I mean it wasn't- It was only you know...It wasn't supposed to be like that so I mean...

Dream: Hey I'm out though now. Um...I don't wanna anyone you know... seeing us together so I probably- I probably should get going not but- 

Punz: Yeah dude.

Dream: I owe you...big time right now so yeah.

Punz: Yeah it's alright. I'm sure I'll talk to you soon just uh- keep me in touch.

Dream: Yeah yeah I will.

Punz: Alright.

Dream: I'll probably be- I'll probably be- I'll be- I'll be around if I- If I ever- If I-

Dream walks front of Punz.

Dream: If I show up-I'll show up if I remember anywhere. If you- If you see a sign you know...I don't want to tell you what it is if you see it I'll be in your tower okay?

Punz: Alright. Thanks dude. We'll see you soon.

Dream: Okay top floor.

Punz: Yep.

Dream: Alright. Bye.

Punz: Bye bye.

Punz and Dream parted...

Tommy walks at Dream.

Tommy: Is he-Is he helping you?

Dream nods.

Tommy: Can I meet him?

Dream: Of course.

Tommy: ...So punz is on your side. I'm on your side-

Dream: One more person is on our side.

Tommy: Who?

Dream: You will know. Anyways you should go now.

Tommy: Why?

Dream: Your "Friends" are worrying about you. And you know you can ask punz.

Tommy: Oh yeah...See you later.

Dream: See you later tommy.

After tommy arrive

Tommy saw Punz.

Tommy whisper to Punz: Can we talk near my house?

Punz whisper to Tommy: Yeah sure.

Tommy wait front of his house.

After few minutes punz arrive.

Punz: So?

Tommy: Are you dream's side?

Punz: So you are the one who was watching us.

Tommy: Yes.

Punz: Well yes. Everyone thinks I'm against him but it's not.

Tommy: So we are teammate.

Punz: What? You are also?

Tommy: Yes...I- He is my best friends...

Punz: I see. So what are you gonna do now?

Tommy: I will stay with Dream....I think?

Punz: Be careful. Bye.

Tommy: Yeah bye!

Punz walks away.

Tommy looks at the sky.

Tommy sighed.

Tommy: Oh my god...

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