CH11: Next step :)

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Dream: Well you can come out!

???: I was sleeping dream.

Punz, Tommy, ???: What...

*Who is that?

Tommy: Quackity...? Is that-for real?

Quackity: Wait...dream explain now.

Dream: Quackity is helping me all time like Punz.

Punz: But he is-he was our enemy right?

Dream: After the war between us and L'Manburg.

Punz: I see.

Dream: And tommy became villain after the prison break.

Quackity: Oh really?

Tommy: Yeah.

Quackity: Then what's the plan?

Dream: Hmm...oh hey how about you make a plan tommy?

Everyone looks at tommy.

Tommy: What?

Quackity: I'm in.

Punz: Yeah.

Tommy thinks plans a while.

He smiles suddenly.

Tommy: Hey what about-

They smile.

Dream: Next step :)

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