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''This year's Spring Talent Show. Who isn't excited for that?'' Mr. Simmons said as soon as the bell rang and everyone settled into their seats.''Everyone is encouraged to participate. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I must inform you that anyone taking my drama class will have extra credit for participating in the Talent Show. All talents are allowed. Singing, playing an instrument, gymnastics, acting, anything that pops into your head.''
Immediately when I hear those words, it does pop into my head. Dancing. I could do the new choreography I've been learning. My mom would he so proud of me. Even if I didn't get first place. I'm drawn back out of my thoughts as Mr. Simmons keeps speaking.
''Sign-ups will be hanging outside of my door first thing tomorrow morning. You have until exactly a month before the talent show to sign-up. There will be no auditions, just sign-up and you can start practicing your talent. I suggest you start thinking about what talent you want to do if you are wanting to sign-up because on the sign-up sheet you will need to put your name, grade, and talent. The talent show will take place on April 23rd. Are there any questions?''
Emma raises her hand.
''Yes, Ms. Kendrick?'' Mr. Simmons asked.
''Can we do a dance number?''
''Well, yes, but-''
''No, no. That's all I needed to know.''
''Alright. Anyone else?''
A girl in the back row of seats raises her hand and our teacher calls on her.
''Are allowed to do a talent with more than one person?"
''Yes, there can be as many people in your group as you want. There is a section on the sign-up sheet for duets and groups. You say what your talent is, your grades, and the names of the people participating. Now, seeing as there are no more questions and only 20 minutes of class remaining, I will not torture you with a lecture and you guys can go about as you please. But! Keep your voice levels to a minimum, please.''
Mr. Simmons sits down behind his desk and throws his feet onto his desk, pulling out his favorite book-In The Woods. As he did this, everyone began moving towards their friends and conversing. Since I had no friends go converse with, I just pulled out my iPhone 6, put the earphones into my ears while turning on my Hozier radio on Pandora and opened my favorite game-Daddy Long Legs.
The game is called that because there is a little square guy with suuupeeer long legs and you have to tap the screen to make him walk. The object of the game is to walk as far as you can without falling down. My high score is 33.41 meters. That, my friend, is what I call talent.
Suddenly, my earbuds are yanked out of my ears and I squeeze my eyes closed saying,''Pleasedon'tbeatmeupbyabonfire.'' And that is the effect of listening to Take Me To Church too many times.
A laugh comes from the-I'm assuming female-from behind me.
''I'm not going to beat you up. Your music was too loud, causing you to not hear the bell go off five minutes ago. Mr. Simmons asked me to inform you that class has ended.''
I turn around and see that it is Braelyn. ''Oh, okay. Thank you.''
I exit the apps on my phone (habit) and turn the screen off, wrapping my earphones around it.
''No problem. See you in Calculus.''
''See you,'' I say, grabbing my bag walking towards the door.
I look around the hall looking for the clock. When I find it, I see that I have a minute until class starts. The Arts teacher-Ms. Yarnell-will not let me off easy if I am late. She is one of the most strict teachers in school. I start to move my legs faster as I move towards her classroom. As I open the door to her room and step in, the bell rings. That was a close one.
''Ms. Graham, why are you tardy?'' Ms. Yarnell says, turning from the chalkboard she was currently writing today's lesson on. What school uses chalkboards anymore? I mean, really.
''T-tardy? I'm not tar-tardy. I was in h-here whe-when the bell r-rang,'' I stammer.
''You know my rules Arabella. Be in your seat when the bell rings or you get a tardy. As simple as that.''
''But that's not fair! Its not my fault your classroom is so far away from my fifth period classroom!''
''What do you have fifth period?''
''Drama with Mr. Simmons.''
''That's five rooms away!''
''Exactly! That's really far.''
''Alright, young lady, you just earned yourself a detention after school tomorrow for arguing with a teacher. Go out in the hallway.''
''What?! You can't do that! I have da-'' I stop myself from talking before I admit that I take a dance class.''Fine,'' I say before walking out into the hall and slamming the door behind me.

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A/N So, so sorry for the late update. It may be kind of short, but at least it's something. I hope you guys enjoy it. Almost to my goal of 250 reads. Not nearly as close with my votes and comments goal but we will get there. Thank youto those for reading, and to those for voting and commenting. I really do appreciate it. The picture to the side is of Braelyn Rodriguez----->>>>


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