Chapter 2

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"You are special, remember that" Her mother caressed her face. "Mom, hold on. Stay with me, I'll take you to the hospital" She cried trying to lift her mother up

She knew it was impossible for them to get to the hospital, they are too far from the city. But still, she have to try. She needs her mother. She's the only one she has.

"Listen to me baby" Her mother coughed. "You have a special gift. You could control the whole world if you want. But don't. I want you to choose the right path. Use that gift onto what is right. Justice and not revenge. I want you to grow as a descent woman that everyone respects"

"You don't have to hide yourself to the world for your entire life. Go out, enjoy your life...just be careful and don't trust easily".."I will always love you my daughter. Don't worry, I'll guide you from above"

5 Years Later

A girl in her 20's sighed looking at the busy city from the hill with her black doe eyes as her long, silky, ash gray hair goes along the wind.

She closed her eyes breathing softly as a memory flashed in her head. She remembered seeing some of the buildings on fire, lighting from the sky striking here and there..everything was tearing apart like the world will end anytime soon.

That scary view from the same hill she is standing right now 10 years ago.

Seeing how they are at ease right now make me feel pity for them. They do not know how a war will begin anytime soon.

They thought us..their kids are dead. They are all wrong.

She wandered from above.

Y E A R S  A G O : camp

"We've been ambushed!" A military yelled. Gun shots were everywhere. The children who had been imprisoned could only scream and cry for help.

"Gabrielle! The fence!" Nicole shouts at her friend while trying to buy some time so they could escape. She raised her hand as the heaven roars with thunder.

"Blues! On your force!" Gabriel took the lead as they raised their hands so they could take down the fence.

"Run!" The fence fell as they successfully escaped, they scattered around the forest finding some place to hide.

"Help! Help me please!" Someone cried.

Nicole turn around as Gabriel reached her arm "Let's Go! Someone else will help her"

"Who do you think huh? Militaries?" Nicole said in frustration as she ran back to help the kid. Gabriel bit his lower lip as he followed her.

"Watch out!" Gabriel pointed his palm at the woman who's approaching them.

"No wait! I'm not your enemy!" The woman threw away her gun as she raised both of her hands "See? I got no weapon. We're here for help"

Nicole stood up with the kid on her arms. She looked at Gabriel then back to the woman.

"We don't trust. Especially to those who don't have gifts like us" Gabriel stepped in front of Nicole in protection.

"It's okay I understand" The woman smiled before stepping back. A brown haired guy stepped forward with a poker face.

He pointed his palm at the military who's hiding on the corner making it floats on the air and drop its gun.

"I'm not going to convince you to trust me. It's your choice whether you'll come with us or go with your stupid decision and ran away. Remember, you can't hide forever. You'll only get yourself killed just as before the sun could even rise. We could take you Far from here. Far from those ruthless people" He said before throwing the military away as if it was just a stone.

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