Photograph My Love | Jalen Green

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"Yea ma. Yea there's a game tonight. No..I know. But it's literally my job at school." Y/N laughed as she was on the phone with her mother, walking into her high school. "Now look, why do you think I wouldn't go? Of course I want to support him, that's my boyfriend ma. Okay..bye." She rolled her eyes and pulled her jacket together a little bit more, opening the door to her school. Today was the last home basketball game of the season at her high school and she was one of the photographers who took pictures for the game. Also, a plus for Y/N, her boyfriend is star shooting guard Jalen Green. They had been friends since middle school and finally gotten into a relationship their sophomore year of high school. They were that cute couple that everyone wanted to be.

 They were that cute couple that everyone wanted to be

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"Hey Y/N." She heard a couple of times as she walked through the hallway, making her way to her locker all the way at the end of the first floor. When she finally arrived, she turned the lock with the combination until it unlocked for her. "It's game day baby. You excited?" She smiled turning around to be met with none other than her boyfriend. "Now how did you know I was behind you?" He asked looking down at her. Their height difference was a little less than a foot, nine inches to be exact. He was 6'4" while she was a good 5'7". "You're tall, not quiet." She laughed softly before extending to her tip toes to plant him a quick kiss on his lips. "You got your camera?" "Duhh." She pulled her Canon camera out of the bag that was hanging from her shoulder. "Can I put my bag in your locker before the game so I don't have to carry it or put it down during?" "Of course. Just come to me at the end of 5th period." He agreed and as he did the bell rang for the school day to begin. "I'll see you later okay?" He told her and kissed her forehead before heading off to his first period class. Y/N nodded and walked off to her first period also.

Y/N walked into her history class and made her way to the second row of desks. Hanging her bag on the back of the chair, she took her notebook out and a pencil and turned back to the front. "What does he see in her? She's literally lame and a bore. He would've been so much better with me." She heard someone's attempt to whisper from behind her followed by some childish giggles. "If you have something to say, say it please." Y/N sat up and turned around. "Or are you to much of a pussy to say something to my face about how my boyfriend probably rejected you and your stank ass one day and you've been mad about it ever since?" A smirk plastered on her face before she turned back around to take notes, knowing she just shut that girl down.

"Jay. Come here." His best friend Justin, AKA Juice, said to him as soon as he walked into his Algebra classroom. "Yo after the game tonight, some of the team and I were gone hit up this party that Madera is throwing tonight after the game, you down?" He asked as the both leaned against two desks in the room, the rest of the class either sitting down or up and around the room. "Nah man, I'm tryna go chill with my girl. You know I love-" Jalen started before he was interrupted by some random white girl coming all up on him. "Your fans? You love your fans right Jalen?" She looked up at him trying to be all seductive and cute; poking out her lip and arching her back to made it seem like she has a butt and boobs. "Now, when you're a big NBA star, don't forget about me okay?" She tried to touch all on him but Jalen was not going for it. "Nah I think I will, cause I don't even know you. Now please stop touching me and go away." He grabbed her wrists and moved them off of him, making the girl mad and walk away angrily. He looked back at Juice and they both started laughing, noticing the teacher came in and they slid down into their seats.

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