Living life with 22q

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     I wanted to share about myself because I want to spread awareness of 22q deletion syndrome. It's a very unknown syndrome that barely anyone knows about it. I want to mention about what symptoms I have and how I live my life with it. It hasn't been easy living with this syndrome especially when I was younger I hated myself for who I am. Now that I'm older I am more grown up and mature about myself. I use to care so much about what others thought of me when I was younger.
     I want to be an inspiration to others and give hope because I want to share that you can do anything you put your heart into and work hard for it no matter who you are with or without a disability. I try my best not to blame my disability for reasons why I can't do anything because I know I can do it I just got to believe in myself more and have confidence in myself. It's hard to believe in yourself sometimes becauseof who you are, but you got to look past that because if you don't ever try then you'll never know what you can do. Don't let your syndrome define who you are.
     I've struggled a lot with who I am because it is hard to have a disability. When I was younger I didn't know anything about my syndrome. I didn't know who I was. I didn't understand why God made me this way. I hated myself for so long until I got older and researched what 229 deletion syndrome is I finally was able to figure out who I am. As I grew up and realizing who I am I've grown more mature about the syndrome. I'm happier with myself after finding out who I am.
     There are always those what ifs... like what if I wasn't born with this syndrome. I would be normal. I would be popular. I would be better at school. I would be better at counting money back. Like what if I wasn't this way because things would be different if I was normal. This is who I am though and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm happy for who I am because I've learned so much about myself.
     I have 22q deletion syndrome and I'm proud of who I am. I have a speech impediment and learning disability. I always say how lucky my son and I are because there's many others who have it worse than we do. I give others props for being so strong for their families through everything they go through.
     I have accomplished so much since I've grown up and couldn't be more proud of myself for how far I've come in life. I love myself for who I am more than ever in my life. I never thought I'd come this far because of so much I've struggled through to get where I'm at.
     Being who I am means I'm different, but I'm special. It doesn't mean to judge me for who I am because everyone is different in their own way. I've worked so hard to get where I'm at today in life. I couldn't be more happier with myself for getting this far and I don't do it by myself. I have all my family and friends to thank for supporting me in my decisions in life and for always believing in me no matter what.
     When I was three years old that's when my parents found out I had 22q deletion syndrome.
I couldn't speak it was hard to understand me. I was pointing to everything such as a cup to have something to drink. I couldn't say I was thirsty because they wouldn't of understand me. It was hard for all of us, but we got through it every day. My mom and dad was there for me each day of my life through the good and bad days.
I had speech therapy most of my life probably all the way up until High School. My speech was terrible when I was younger.
     Nobody could understand me. I had surgery on my cleft palate to help me speak better. I went through a lot because I tried wearing this retainer and it just didn't work. It was just so painful. The speech therapist did help a lot throughout the years. My hardest letter to say was "R" and I still somewhat have problems saying my "R's", but I'm so much better now then I was when I was younger. As I got older though I also had my tonsils and adenoids removed too. The doctors said that's what helped so much with my speech.
     I had really bad asthma as well when I was younger. Always in and out of the hospital. I eventually grew out of my asthma. I also had tummy problems as well and still do. Some foods just don't agree with my tummy. I had it checked out when I was younger and they couldn't find out any reason why I always had tummy aches. I always use to lay on the cold kitchen floor because it felt so good on my tummy. I haven't had my tummy checked out now that I'm older I just try my best to watch what I eat and try to be healthy. My left foot is also swollen and has been all my life. That has also been checked out and they think it just because of my syndrome. It use to hurt when I was younger, but it hasn't hurt in a long time it is still swollen though. I have been through so much in life, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Even though days have been hard I'm glad I kept moving forward and never gave up. I can't let this syndrome define who I am.
     I am who I am for a reason no matter what anyone says. I know who I am it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of me! I love who I have become throughout the years and learnt who I am. I'm loving all the support and love I get from my family and friends.

22q deletion syndrome doesn't define who I am!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora