Hawkeye article/books

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I'm so very proud of myself. So one day, I just decided that I wanted to do an article for my hometown Hawkeye article. I messaged the journalist about who I am with 22q deletion syndrome and what I've been through in life. It took a while for him to reply back to me, but I eventually I got a response. I was so nervous when I did the article. Then he talked with the photographer he wanted to meet up with me to take a few photos and they also shared some of my photography photos in the newspaper as well. I can't believe I did all that on my own.
My reason for the article was to spread the awareness of my 22q deletion and to get the word out there about stop bullying and to believe in yourself. I was so nervous about doing that article, but I did it and I'm so very proud. It's stuff like this that makes my heart happy. Also, I wanted to find anyone else who was in my town who has 22q deletion syndrome like me. I actually did find someone who is like me. I got recognize so much for my article and I was definitely blessed by all the amazing compliments I got from my town. Until this day I still get recognized for doing that article. I was hoping to get through with some people because I talked about stop bullying in my article and I wanted to changes some lives. I know we can't change people because people only change if they want to. I still wanted to do something about bullying though because it goes around in the schools and even at work with adults it happens.
Next year I plan on making another article for who I am. I want to continue to do these articles throughout my times of accomplishing my succeed in life. For next year or anytime soon I'm hoping to accomplish a lot with my job and with myself of who I am. That's why I'm doing this book and articles because I want to look back and remember all these memories and accomplishments in my life I've made. I am also wanting to do more and more books so when I do more articles I can also mention them as well.
     I think doing the Hawkeye article every so often will be a great way not to just get recognized of my materials, but to spread the awareness of 22q deletion syndrome. That's all I'm trying to do is spread the awareness so everyone will know what 22q is because it's an unknown syndrome that rarely anyone knows. I think it's so amazing how the journalist put the whole article together. It was the most awesome experience I had in life with who I am and I'm so very proud of it. I figured being who I am I'd get so many negative comments, but I didn't because I have some pretty great friends in my hometown.
I love writing my books and in my next article that's what I definitely plan on mentioning because I have so much ahead of me that I want to plan out on my books such as make a series of a few which I know will take a long time and probably some rejections because I want to try and get an agent so I can get a real publisher and someone who can go over my work for me so it's better. Also one day I want to have my own signing tour book as well. That would be super exciting for that to happen.
     I have so many dreams that I hope to accomplish with who I am because I just want people to remember me by how inspiring I am. How hard I worked to get where I am at today because honestly I worked so hard to get here. I pushed through all of my challenges and I'm so proud of myself for doing so because I didn't want to be in my shell for the rest of my life. I'm definitely out of my shell and I'm so proud. Making these accomplishments in my life of who I am is so huge for me. So many people may think oh well you have a disability you can't do that, I'm just saying hypothetically on that because there might be people out there like that, but you prove them wrong and you stand up for what you believe in. Believe in yourself!!!! I know no matter how long my dreams will take not to never give up.
I wanted to share a little about who I am because I want to spread the awareness. I want to find others out there like me and I know there is because of my mother and 22q deletion page I have connected with so many friends that one day is actually love to meet. It be nice to have more friends like me because they understand who I am. I thank all of you so very much for loving and supporting my son and I in literally everything. I will never give up I will always keep moving forward no matter how hard it may get I will strive for my dreams until they all come true.

I love you all so very much! 🙌💙😍

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