Don't judge accept us

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You should always accept people for who they are no matter what. Everyone is different in there own way. Like I've said before nobody is perfect we have our flaws. I am who I am God made me this way for a reason. I don't know why he did, but that's just life. I hate it, but I love myself for me. I have many battles in my life that I've had to stay strong through, but I got through them. It definitely wasn't easy, but I did it. It doesn't matter the disability we are human. We want to be treated the same as everyone else.
Some of us are different then others. There's some of us who are more disabled or rarely disabled. Treat us all the same. We may be different, but that doesn't mean to treat us differently. We want to be treated like a normal human being. We don't want no sympathy because we are different. We don't want no special treatment just because we are different. Treat us with respect. Don't act like we are dumb because we're not. It may take us a while to get things right away, but we will learn. You have to be patient with us and teach us how to do things. Some of us are hands on with teaching like one on one or some of us may have to write things down to learn. Don't judge us for learning differently. Everyone learns different. I'm one who likes to be shown, write stuff down, and hands on that's how I learn and it may take a while for me to learn as well. If you show me how to do something it may take a few times to learn it before I get the hang of it.
Be kind to us even though we are different don't bully us for who we are. I've been bullied my whole life and I'll always stick up for myself no matter what. Bullying is not cool. Even adults do it who don't have a disability and it teaches kids that it's ok when it's not. So many cruel kids now a days. They tease you for how you speak, how you dress, or just about anything. Don't let them get you down. Keep moving forward because your better than them. Don't stoop to their level and bully back, but stick up for yourself. I hate bullying!!! People don't care for other feelings they just care about hurting them. When adults do it there teaching there kids it's okay to bully when it's not. Teach your kids to be kind to one another because we all have feelings no matter who you are. You may act tough, but you have feelings. If you don't like being bullied then don't do it to others.
     If you see someone being bullied and you know how it feels or if you are that person who will be kind to one another then go help that person out whose being bullied. Know then or no, but stick up for each other. Have a kind heart!!! It's not that hard to be nice. So what if someone has not the most cool brand of clothes. Maybe they can't afford something like others can. So what if they aren't popular or have many friends. Be kind and be their friend. So what if they look different. Be nice and be their friend. It's okay to be different. We are all different. Don't be a bully be a friend!! It's that easy. If that person doesn't like you for who they are then there not a true friend. Don't change yourself because they don't like you and pretend to be someone your not to get people to like you. Always be you no matter what.
You should never have to change yourself to be popular in someone else's eyes. Always show your true colors. People will judge us by the book of our cover. Get to know me before you judge me. We are different, but that don't change who we are. We are pretty awesome people if you get to know us. You know disability or not everyone gets judge for who they are because it's a cruel world. People don't know how to be nice and honestly I don't think that will ever change because some people just think it's cool to bully. People will find a way to judge you no matter what it is, but don't ever let them get you down because what matters the most is that you know who you are and that matters. You are who you are!!! Love yourself always no matter what anyone says about who you are love yourself! That is what matters so much! Loving yourself is important! You will find your friends that will be true you and love you for who you are. 
     Loving yourself is the first step for everything. It took me a long time to love me for who I am because when I was younger I hated myself so much because of who I am and because people were so mean to me. I hated that I have 22q deletion syndrome. Some made fun of me for my speech and I hated it so much. I'm different so what. I never understood why I had 22q until I got older and did some research on 22q because I wanted to know more about myself. Once I ended up knowing more about 22q when I got older I ended up loving myself more and I also have tons of friends who love me for who I am no matter what. They don't judge me and they accept me for who I am. I'm always getting invited to events with my friends. Having 22q has many challenges we have to deal with, but you will get through them we just have to work hard to get where we want to be at in life. Just remember love yourself and always show your true colors!!
      Be aware people like us or even just normal people get taken advantage of. Don't let people do that to you. Stand up for yourself and say "no". I know it ain't easy, but you gotta do what you have to for yourself. Being taken advantage of really sucks and it doesn't feel good at all because people think they can just control who you are. I matter what, but they can't. Just because we are different doesn't mean anything.
Instead of taking advantage of us teach us. We want to learn about the real world. We want to know about everything and learn about certain things in life that you know that we may not know. Don't be mean about it because we do have feelings. Taking advantage of anyone who doesn't have a disability or not is so wrong.
     I hate when people take advantage of me because it makes me feel so stupid. It makes me feel like I don't know anything so they're gonna do what they can to get anything out of me. It makes me feel like I'm not enough so they take advantage of it. Being taken advantage of is a horrible feeling to have because then that just makes me feel untrustworthy of the person and not want to be their friend. It makes me feel like that's all they want from me.
     I will not let anyone take advantage of me because of who I am or not. I will stand up for myself through everything. I won't let anyone judge me for who I am. I am me and no one can change who I am. I don't care what others think of me, but that doesn't mean to take advantage of who I am! I'm not stupid! Please don't treat me like I am because of how different I am.
Everyone is different in there own unique way. If we was all the same we would all be so boring. I love being who I am now that I understand my 22q deletion syndrome. I've grown up so much dealing with struggles, but now I'm so happy with myself. Don't be like someone else because of who they are just be you. Don't be someone you're not because people will like you for who you are and if they don't it's their loss. Always love yourself for who you are no matter what anyone says! Be you.

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