Jayden's life with 22q

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Jayden 💙


Raised & born in Burlington, Iowa

Jayden also has 22q deletion syndrome

His favorite colors always changes. He likes blue, red and purple.

He loves spending time with his family and friends. Jayden has such a caring and kind heart.

He's definitely a gamer.

Jayden loves to play basketball. It's his favorite sport.

I always say how lucky my son and I are with this syndrome because there are others out there who have it worse. I'm always wanting to give others inspiration and hope for that reason because we are all different. I give props to other parents who also have kids who have special needs because you all are doing such a wonderful job. Don't let this syndrome get you guys down because you are special no matter what anyone says. You can't let this syndrome get you down because who we are doesn't change anything. We are special and you should always love yourself no matter what. Sometimes this syndrome can have many challenges in life and it can be a battle, but you get through it though.
     My son also has speech impediment and learning disability. He's actually has done so much better than I have in life. My son is so strong and brave. He's my hero. He has graduated from speech in school in 5th grade. I'm so very proud of him. I went through speech in school all the way up until probably high school. My speech was definitely way worse than my sons. My son actually graduated from speech in 5th grade, I believe. I was in speech all the way up to High School. My speech was way worse that I had to have surgery. He talks so much better than I ever have. I still have my moments with my speech. If I talk to fast you definitely will not understand me. I don't mind repeating myself back because I know with people who aren't always around me can't understand me.
He went through a lot with school. Jayden had a couple of fights from the beginning. I think he's learned his lessons. He still has his problems we're he doesn't want to do his work, but he's been trying hard to get it all done. It can be a struggle for him because it's hard with a learning disability. I think this year he's doing so much better with school. I haven't got any phone calls recently as much as I use to. With Jayden playing basketball that has helped him a lot with staying in school and wanting to do better. Basketball has taught him I think that school is important because for sports you got to keep your grades up to be able to play in the sports. He absolutely loves basketball. Jayden says that he does want to play basketball professionally and I tell him if he sticks with it and that he works very hard that it'll come true. Anything is possible if you work hard for it.
Jayden has done swimming when he was younger. He loves the pool and can stay in the water forever if he could. He could also go swimming every single day if he could. He just loves it. That's his favorite thing to do all summer long is swimming. His favorite sport is of course basketball. He's always played for the YMCA. This year he actually playing for his school for the first time and he enjoys it. Jayden never has okayed football or wrestling for anything though. He does want to try football he does love that sport, but I think basketball of course is his favorite. He's always been into sports. He's into video games. His favorite is the Xbox. Jayden use to be really into Fortnite and Minecraft. Now he's just really into playing basketball more than anything.
     Jayden is a very bright and smart boy. He does really well with everything especially in school if he just pays attention and really puts his effort into it and then he does really well. The one thing about him is it's hard for him to stay on one task and to pay attention to something that's interesting to him. If it's not interesting to him then he ain't gonna pay attention. His favorite subjects are gym, lunch, and science. He doesn't mind social studies, but he's not a fan. He does enjoy learning about the presidents in social studies and the economics and stuff like that. So with his favorites he will pay attention. I remember when he was a little younger when they was learning about the stars, moon the sky pretty much about the earth. He would always tell me about the planets all the time.
     I love my son with all and I do anything for him. I am so very proud of him for all of his accomplishments he's made in his life. I can't wait to see what's his future will be like and to see so much more accomplishments he will make. He's already done so much and I couldn't be more blessed to be his mother. I know that I'm doing a good job at raising him. I know I've made mistakes in my life, but that's the past and I'm so happy with my life with my son. He means the entire world to me and that's all what matters in my life. He's my hero for everything he's already been through. He's the one who's been brave and strong. Jayden always tells me how much he loves me no matter what and I'm the best mommy ever.  I love you so very much son and I hope that you know that no matter how old you get that you'll always be my baby in my eyes.
     Just remember that no matter who you are you can do anything you put your heart into it. Don't judge someone whose different!! We are unique in our own way.

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