Mother & son with 22q deletion

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I have my own website on Facebook and I'm so blessed because I have met so many people who are like me on the internet. I made this page in 2014 and it has grown so much over the years. I didn't make this page about the likes or the followers. I made this page because of the inspiration I wanted to give too others who have 22q deletion syndrome. I have 1.3k likes and 1.4k followers on my page. My page isn't about the likes and followers. It's about connecting with one another and gaining new friends.
On mother and son with 22q I post videos and awareness of the syndrome. I try my best to post as much as possible to, but sometimes life gets in the way. I love my page I created because I've connected with so many people who are like us all around the world. Which amazes me every single day that there's so many of us who are like us. Knowing this syndrome is very unknown and then you spread the awareness and then you meet all these other amazing people. I also post about what the syndrome is and the facts of it. Everyone is different in their own way. All of us have different symptoms of the syndrome. I also mention that don't let the syndrome define who you are because we are human just like everyone else. We have feelings. It stinks when we get bullied by people because of who we are. We can't help being this way. God created us this way for a reason.
I feel so loved by many and couldn't be more blessed to see how far this page has come. I just wanna say thank you to everyone who has been with the page since 2014. If you want to be part of the journey the Facebook page is called mother and son with 22q. There is no bullying, bad language allowed. If you are mean to one another you'll be removed from my page. There is only kindness on my page. We all go through a lot in life no matter what so we all know what we are going through. That means be kind to one another no matter what.
I love my page so much because it makes me feel so good about myself that I've got so many people on there connecting with one another. That was my plan of my page is getting people together and getting to know each others stories. Learning about one another is important because you can learn about each others symposiums of the syndrome that you don't know about or that your going through as well. Sometimes us moms and dads need a person who are like us or not like us to lean on and vent to. All I wanna do is make a difference in people's lives and be an inspiration to them. Having a syndrome/disability isn't easy at all. We get bullied and called mean names. Even if you don't have a syndrome everyone gets bullied and I wanna stop that. There's so many judgmental people in this world and it's just so wrong and mean.
I know if we judge others they wouldn't like it but it's okay for them to do it to us.. it's not okay at all. We are human just like the rest of you just different. We all have feelings and this is why I want to teach kindness because we are all going through something in life no matter who we are. Someone is having a bad day, rough week you don't know what someone going through so be kind!!! That's what my page is all about is being kind to one another because we've all been through it. Don't let this define who you are because we are different, but we are still human beings. Treat each other with kindness.
For my page I let you share your stories because I love hearing everyone going through there journeys and staying so strong through them. It's nice knowing that there's others out there like me and my son because there's not many in my town. I did meet one person who has what I have which was amazingly awesome. I did an article for our Hawkeye news paper in my hometown. When I did that article at first it was a little difficult to get a hold of anyone, but eventually they came through. I met with the journalist and did an interview. He asked me some questions and he put it all in his own words. Which that was pretty cool. I also got to meet up with one of the photographers for the article as well and took a few photos. They even shared some of my own photography in the article too. So many people recognized me and still do until this day. That's how I met one person who is like me and they was the whole point of it to. I wanted to see if there was anyone like me in my town who has the syndrome that was awesome. I also wanted to spread the awareness of the syndrome and to spread awareness of bullying. Bullying is the huge part of it as well. There's so much bullying and hate towards one another I wanted to make a change a difference.
I know eventually I'll do more for the awareness and I can't wait I know one thing I want is to make my own merchandise for my webpage, but that's been a little difficult. I know one day that's my next step is my own merchandise for 22q. That's one great way to spread the awareness of our syndrome. I also plan on doing another article too for our syndrome. I want to do one every so often because I want to see the change in us and how far we've gotten. We can do so much with our lives no matter who we are!!

22q deletion syndrome doesn't define who I am!Where stories live. Discover now