|| The Old New ||

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What if Error wasn't just one person
But multiple?

A position in the universe that is mandatory yet isn't taken up by only one person.

What if Error isn't just an immortal Psycho that destroys for his own evil desires
But hundreds off innocents being cursed to the fate of being the most hated one in the multiverse for a minimum of a decade.

And if they told this truth,
They'd need to be 'Error' forever.

But if this theory is true...

How have they been able to keep up this facade for so long?

In my opinion it's quite simple.

The answer.


F  E  A  R

Somewhere Not So Near

You understand this position better than anyone else. The rules, the persona, the tasks, and the consequences if not met. Right?


Of course Madam, I'm a professional, how could I NOT know.

A silent chuckle fills the endless abyss

Although, I quite do like this multiverse, what if I'd like to keep it to myself?


Well you truly are interesting, I'm not stopping you in any way, as long as you get the job done, one way or the other, the deities won't interfere. You know the rules and so do I.

They know and there's no going back, you'll have no choice but to stay.

Are you willing to take this risk? A risk that might make you loose your endless existence?


I make no mistakes, I have this feeling that this very multiverse will be quite entertaining to me~

Although I must admit, running straight into the waters would be stupid, I'll get used to the page first, then I will make consequences.

The abyss starts twirling furiously, disappearing and reappearing.
The decision has been made.

Very well, we'll meet again then. Good Luck.


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