|| Truly intriguing||

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It had been a few days since any au destruction had occured.

The multiverse was peaceful, everything was where it should be.

It all felt so wrong.

It had been a good month or so (if viewed from the omega timeline perspective) since Error had destroyed anything.

Even if Ink started spontaneously going onto random au-sprees, no sign of the glitchy skeleton. None at all.

This truly intrigued the Star Sanses and the multiverse council, but more so, it terrified them.

It was like the calm before a storm, and it felt so wrong.

They should be happy that it was so quiet for this long, but they couldn't be happy. Who knows what this frightening entity is planning?

This even made Ink stop creating for a while, if he carried on and then Error all of the sudden appeared and destroyed all the new creations, the after effect would be much worse than any of his other destruction sprees.

With the Star Sans Trio

Ink was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling deep in thought. His good friend and teammate, Dream, looked at the skeleton dressed in brown with an uneasy expression.

He was as worried as Ink is, if not more so.

The multiverse has become much happier, that was definitely a plus to him, he felt more powerful through more positive feelings. So this was definitely refreshing.

But also the entire council felt much more suffocating now, all worried something will happen, all uneasy, not in good spirits at all. This drained all his energy so in short. The extra joy pretty much changed nothing in him.

Dream was sitting on a sofa opposite off Inks, holding a cup of tea.

He sighed.

Bringing the cup to his boney mouth he pondered.

What now?

After taking a thoughtful sip his gaze returned to Ink.


He cleared his throat loudly gaining the attention of Ink.

The skeleton in brown picked himself up and looked at Dream.


"So... Ink," Dream began,"What should we do now?"

They both stared at eachother silently.

"Error has been quite for so long, yet everyone is as uneasy as usual, if not more so. We haven't found a trace of him anywhere!," Dream realized he started to sound panicked. Composing himself, he looked back at Ink again who looked as confused as one can in the current situation.

"I've also come to realization my brother has no idea what is happening in this situation either. In the dreamscape me and him came across eachother. He questioned me on Errors sudden disappearance. He's good at hiding it but it was pretty obvious in my eyes that he himself has become anxious in this situation."

Ink listening thoughtfully yet absent-mindly at the same time.

Rubbing his temples he sighed

"I don't blame nightmare for becoming anxious, honestly I feel like the whole multiverse is somewhat on edge. The destroyer himself is as quite as still waters on a breeze-less day. Him thinking we did something is natural, but then finding out it wasn't..."

Ink crossed his legs and looked at the floor.

"I may be the creator and guardian of the overall universe. Respected for my job and definitely powerful"

He clenched his hand into a fist.

"But Error definitely has an upper hand in powers. Destroying is way easier than creating. You can create a drawing yet after someone rips it, it's almost impossible if not impossible to bring it back to its previous glory. Having him on your side is like having a deity. As without him you can quite easily perish in an instant, he just needs to get your weak point."

The atmosphere in the room became tense.

Dream really wished Blue was there, he was the best at comforting, giving positive words here and lifting ones spirits.

But they sent him to his au for the time being telling him not to come unless it's for a council meeting.

After all, blue is just an au Sans. Unlike Dream that was the guardian of positivity and Ink who was the guardian of the multiverse and creator, Blue was just a swap sans. Definitely had above average strength, great leadership skills and powerful healing abilities, plus had the ability to make everyone believe in themselves and try their hardest, even came into contact with Error the first time he exited his universe!

But that didn't matter, he was no godly entity, and in such a situation the multiverse was a place way too dangerous for him.

Especially since he himself isn't an original Sans.

Blueberry is from a sort of swap au copy. He was like a normal swap sans but since the first exit of his universe, his au turned into a copy. Actually, they didn't even remember if he was an original to begin with.

So to play it safe, they made him stay in his universe or let him just stumble his way into OuterTale as that au is the multiverse's absolute neutral. No matter whether you were a good guy or bad guy, you were welcome there as long as you didn't stir up trouble with the aus people. They didn't care, they knew their au was really beautiful to outsiders so they just let them stay.

Other than that obviously they'd let him come to council meetings as he IS a star sans.

At this point Blue is not really the only one that is advised to stay within his own universe.

The entirety of the Omega timeline knows, even if they don't have anywhere else to go they are still advised to be careful of where they venture.

The entire multiverse is on the edge, and Ink along with Dream need to do something to control such an unnerving situation.

They could come to the conclusion that Error went missing, or just gave up.

But they can't be certain, and without certainty, they can't be sure that they'll make the right decision, and they also don't wish to make people feel a false sense of security.

As it's 2 guardians against an omnipotent deity so to speak.

Who knows if the decision of them closing this case due to a theory would bite them back in the future?

And if it does, their dropped guard would lead to their absolute downfall, especially if the enemy comes back even stronger and more unpredictable.

|| The Errors ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें