|| New Multiverse ||

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Somewhere far away hidden deep in the endless anti-voids

2 feet pondered back and forth, making no sound, no sound filled the white space apart from the clothes rubbing against eachother whilst a peculiar black hued skeleton admired his new domain.

Error is a name of many.

This Error is definitely not the first to walk in this Multiverse, but there is a possibility of him being the last.

It's been a month since this Error was chosen, he was getting used to the new body he was given, the anti-void he'll be residing within and analyzing the aus from afar.

He is a professional in his field, definitely more accustomed to destruction than the other chosen destroyers.

But just because you know the skills doesn't mean you can put it into use.

Over the month he practiced his destroying skills, whenever someone gets situated into the body, they do indeed inherit all the skills and memories of all the previous destroyers.

That's how they know how to act without bringing up any suspicion.

But this Error was different. He didn't care if the word got out.
Hell he wanted it to.
This multiverse seemed different to him and he didn't mind taking it for himself.

After analyzing the multiverse for a month, getting accustomed to it and practicing his skills.

He finally decided.

That this indeed will be his multiverse.

And since he didn't care about being found out, he can do and act however he wants, as even if he acts out of place, even if the entire multiverse knows of the secrets of the destroyers.

What would happen that he didn't want anyways?

He'll be free and all that will happen will be that he will have no way to ever give up the destroyer position.

He already decided he wants it, nobody else does so what's the big deal?

So, brining together all these facts.
He decided.

He looked really boring, ugly and all so he'll change his looks, to match his new demeanor and to finalize the fact he is the Error now.

It's HIS psoition.

And he'll be the one they'll truly need to watch out for, as they know nothing about him, nothing at all.



This is a shorter chapters as this is just to introduce the new Error.

Next chapters will be longer 😊

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