chapter one

11 2 2

A-2 classroom

8:15 am

8:15 am

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Aizawa was teaching in the class and his students taking notes-well except for one. Bakugo noticed his teacher had stopped speaking so he looked up and saw him staring at the student was sitting on his right side. Tsk, this loser always sleeps in the class, why bother to come if all she is going to do is waste my time?

Aizawa sighed and looked at the purple head boy sitting in front of her.
"Hitoshi wake the girl up." He ordered the boy who followed it.

"Y/n wake up," Shinso whispered to his best friend getting close to her. "Y/n" but she won't budge.

"FOR THE FUCK SAKE WAKE UP ALREADY," Bakugo yelled in irritation, his study time was disturbed because of this lazy fuck.

From the yell from her classmate, Y/n jolt wakes up, subconsciously sending waves in all directions. Image flash in front of Bakugo, man on top of him and sharp pain on his stomach. (Like he is watching in Y/n pov) This wasn't the first time it happened, he knew it was her quick which made him see it. Whenever she dreams he gets it's an image in his mind sometimes, he wasn't sure if he was the only one who gets this image or her quirk randomly sent her dreams to random people. He never bothered to know.
Y/n was breathing heavily, she felt a big lump in her throat and sweating like crazy.

"L/n this is the third time in this week I am catching you sleeping in my class, detention after school." Her teacher said.

"Oh come on Mr. Aizawa it's only the third time in a week, it's not that bad," Y/n whined and pouted to her teacher.

"Today is Tuesday." He said staring dead in her eyes, daring her to speak against him.

She pouted nodding at him, in the background, she could hear her classmates giggle at her.

(It's a coming soon story so make sure to add it in your library or something to get notify when I start to upload.)

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