Chapter Twenty

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I could hear Aunt Mabel about to come in, she has a bad habit of stomping her feet and with an extra measure kicking the front door to make sure all the snow was off her boots.

Which sent Tipsy into a barking frenzy, I was hoping she was staying at her place today, so Steve could sleep in, but that would have been too easy to have a quiet day.

"Laura" she said as she came in and slammed the door shut. "Yes, Aunt Mabel?" I said as I turned my head to look at her.

"I want to go into town, and my car won't start, I know Steve is off today, so I want to use his truck" she said as she walked into the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee.

"I don't think that's a promising idea Aunt Mabel, besides that's Steves truck and you have to ask him" I said turning around to watch the movie.

Some days I wished the smallest thing she would understand and not argue, but those wishes I think were laughed at by the powers that be.

"Well, where is my nephew, if I can't drive than he can take me, since it is his day off."

"Why do you want to go to town today?" I asked putting my movie on pause. Walking in with her coffee she sat down in her usual chair.

"Because I want to check out a few stores and I want to go out to eat, tired of eating at home" she said as she sipped her coffee.

"Well right now Steve is sleeping, and he needs his rest, why not check back later on and maybe tomorrow he can take you."

"No, I planned on going today and today I am going Laura, its exactly one month before Christmas and I need things I need to get."

Well, I could understand where she was coming from with it being so close to Christmas, I just wish she were not so demanding some days.

"Well, I'm sure Steve has heard all of this" I mumbled as I stood up to get more of my tea.

Within a minute I heard Steve banging around upstairs, oh this morning is going to be simply great I thought. I poured Steve a cup of coffee and set it at his place where he liked to sit in the morning with the paper.

Steve walked into the kitchen saw where his coffee and paper were, walked over to where I stood and pulled me to him. "Good morning little mouse" giving me a kiss and he bent down and kissed my stomach.

"Good morning to my little girl" he said and went over to where his coffee was at, sitting down he opened the paper, and I knew he was ignoring his aunt and mentally preparing to deal with her.

Within a minute Aunt Mabel was standing there, and before she could say one word, "once I had my coffee and read the paper I will take you into town for an hour, then we will be coming back here, I am not going to spend my day all over town" he said without looking up.

Aunt Mabel got on her coat and went outside slamming the door, that made me laugh aloud. I grabbed my tea and sat at the kitchen table.

Steve put the paper down, setting it aside, "now that she is gone for a bit, I can spend a few minutes with my beautiful wife" he said and smiled.

For the next hour, we sat and talked about what we were going to do for Christmas, making sure all the bags were set since my due date was on Christmas morning, but with any pregnancy there was no guaranties when the sweet bundle would show up. 

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