Chapter One

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 "Steve, do you really think that this will be worth it?" I asked as he was putting some of the things that we no longer use in the attic. "What do you mean, putting away these things we might use for later", Steve said as he was putting away the last of the summer decorations from the cabin.

"I just figured we could get new stuff next spring and we can sell this stuff and a few other things; have I don't know like a yard sale possibly?" I said looking at the twenty plus year old chairs.

Steve never likes to throw anything away or even sell things. There are always possibilities for further use, was his motto. Luckily that wasn't mine.

Standing there rubbing my stomach, "I just hope our daughter will take after me" I mumbled going into the cabin. A few more weeks and our new house will be done.

I can't wait, even though there will a tone of stuff for us to do, I am looking forward to it, and most importantly setting up the nursery.

"Our daughter will get your looks and my smarts" he said as he shuts the attic door. I smile at him, not letting him start on who gets what from the gene pool, that takes a life on its own and it starts with Steve.

Walking into the kitchen I grabbed some iced tea with lemon, September was still hotter than I wanted. But I know mother nature works on her timetable not mine.

Steve grabbed a glass and we sat on the couch with the fan on us, "one nice thing is our new place will have AC" I said smiling. That was one of the must haves when Steve brought up the idea of building a new home for us.

"Of course, love" he said closing his eyes, even with the fan going, it was just barely bearable. Steve's phone started ringing, and he grunted as he got up to get it. I had to laugh with how he acts some days.

"Yes, Aunt Mabel, that's fine, but for how long? You're joking, aren't you? Okay I will see you tomorrow" Steve hung up the phone. "Well, that was an interesting conversation with only one part to it" I said laughing.

Steve's phone conversations only give you bits and pieces of the conversation. What the other person could be saying you wouldn't guess in a million years until Steve repeats that part of the conversation.

"I have some good news and bad news" he said sitting down and closing his eyes. "Well just give it to me all at once" I said not sure which part I would want to hear.

"Okay, well Aunt Mabel is coming to visit tomorrow" he started to say, "Okay and what else" I said sitting now looking at Steve.

"She's coming to visit and bringing half her stuff with her and her dog Tipsy" he said peeking one eye open to look at me.

"Why is she doing that?" I asked. "Well, her house needs a lot of repairs and she thought starting next week they can begin, and she wants to move in with us while that goes on" he said in a rush.

I sat there not knowing what to say, honestly that woman I love, and she is like a mother to me, but she can also drive you crazy. Her things will start to take over your house slowly but surely.

Then next you know, there are her magazines on the coffee table, while your books are on the floor or holding up part of the couch because she thinks its lopsided.

Then there's her dog, this thing should be a mummy by now with how old it is. It's just a small dog, no idea what breed. Steve calls it a mutt and a half. Meaning no idea but it is no pure breed.

The name Tipsy, well the damn dog walks like it's a drunken sailor a bored a ship in high seas.

Straight line not happening with this thing, don't get me wrong I love animals, but this dog, will growl and bark at a table leg and forbid if one leaf gets into the house.

You would think we had a horde of intruders come running in. That dog will bark and piss on the floor at the same time then run and hide under the couch and bark.

But its Aunt Mabel's precious dog, she always says it was made for her because he loves the car rides, she takes him on. Now I think I know why he is the way he is.

"How long does she think she will be staying here?" I asked, already rubbing my temples.

"She thinks maybe a month or three" he said getting up real fast and going into the kitchen. I laid my head back against the couch. Okay I think I can do tops three months; I hope. 

"Okay but nothing longer than three months Steve" I hollered out to him; I know he's in the kitchen hiding out. With my stomach getting bigger by the day, he does that because he knows I can't move that fast.

But just wait, once this baby is born and I'm back to my somewhat size, I will be paying him back for his little tricks.  

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