Chapter Five

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Arriving at Aunt Mabel's house, I just sat there in the truck. I could not believe that they had her roof only half shingled, there was plastic where the windows should be.

I am so glad I did not go inside, from what she talked about what they were going to do, it would be completely gutted and redone. I hope Steve did not find anything wrong with the progress so far.

I turned on the classical station and laid my head back against the headrest. Tipsy was laying on my lap, we all agreed to bring her with us, because Aunt Mabel says she gets upset and who knows what she would tear apart when we were not home.

After a few minutes, Steve and Aunt Mabel came out and got in the truck. Steve was not saying a word but that look on his face, he was not pleased at all, now Aunt Mabel that is a different story.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking at both. "Yes and no" Aunt Mabel said, Steve did not say a work and started the truck and drove home. I did not ask anything else till we were home.

We did not need any distractions and get into an accident. Steve kept tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, which I knew he would say something once we were in the cabin.

Once home I let Tipsy out to go bathroom  before going inside. She somehow made her way out in the yard to do her thing without hitting any trees, pitiful thing. Once she was done, she went to the front door.

She sat there and waited, this dog was not so bad, she just needed some different attention than just Aunt Mabel.

I opened the door to let her inside, she went over to the couch and jumped up and laid down on the spot I usually sat on and she fell asleep. I went to the kitchen and started to make some tea.

"Anyone want any tea?" I asked, Steve was sitting at the island and Aunt Mabel came out of her bedroom in her pajamas, "no thank you dear I'm good for the night" Aunt Mabel said.

Steve still sat there quietly, walking over to him, "sweetheart?" I asked rubbing his back, he looked up at me, "sorry little mouse, I would love some" he said giving me a small smile.

We took our tea and sat on the couch, Aunt Mabel grabbed Tipsy bed and put it down near the fireplace, Tipsy looked up at it and at Aunt Mabel and laid her head back down on the couch.

"Well, I'm going to bed, night to both of you" Aunt Mabel said and went to her bedroom and shut the door. I looked at Tipsy, "well girl looks like you're out here with us" I said as I began to pet her.

Her little tail started to wag, "she's not sleeping with us" Steve said looking at her. I had to laugh, "are you jealous of this little dog?" I asked him, trying to get him to smile or laugh.

I knew something was really bothering him, but what I had no idea and I wish he would tell me.

"I am not jealous of that dog, I just want to cuddle up to my little mouse and fall into a peaceful sleep" he said wrapping his arm around me, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Remember the nights we would spend on this couch last Christmas and just talk for hours about anything" I said. "I remember and I miss those days, where nothing mattered except us" he said kissing the top of my head.

"Steve, what is really going on?" I asked him, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "well I don't know where to start honestly love" he said.

"Well start at the beginning, tell me the shocking news so I can be happy with the good news" I told him.

"Okay, well her house is gutted beyond belief, there is no way in three months they will be finished with what she wants done, and she wants to sell it once its complete and move in with us full time" he said.

I sat there not knowing what to say, "um okay, good news?" I asked quietly. "The good news is she wants to buy the cabin instead of moving into our house" he said.

I laughed, "are you serious? I'm to sell my cabin?" I asked, I sat up and looked at him, "did you agree to this without talking to me?" I was starting to get mad and Tipsy woke up with my tone of voice.

She moved onto my lap, which helped since I know I am not supposed to get upset as much as possible with being pregnant.

"No, I told her I would talk to you, she is determined to do this, I don't know what to do" he said sounding deflated.

I was at a loss to, I mean I love this woman, but she is starting to go too far with the demands. "I will think on it, and I think Aunt Mabel and I need to have a chat between just us women" I said.

Steve did not say a word just nodded his head, he knew it was best to just let me do my thing and he would back me up if needed. 

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