Chapter 2

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I hope that you guys are enjoying this story. On with the story.

Rythian's POV

I cant believe Sjin! trying to kiss my sister!!! With out at least asking ME first. I'm going to pulverise him! Some of my thoughts must have shown on my face because a econd later Zoey came downstairs and asked,

"What happened? You look really angry."

I looked up and replied, "Kim just told me that while she was at Sjin's Farm, Sjin tried to kiss her. He tried to kiss MY little sister!"

Zoey looked at me suprised and said, "After all he did her? Blowing her up, and putting her with Sips, he tried to kiss her?"

"Yep," I replied pulling on a jacket, "And I'm going to go smash him into a pulp for trying to kiss my sister! Then go talk to Kim and make she she never goes to see him again unless I'm there."

"Rythian," Zoey said putting a hand on his shoulder, "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure. Kim is MY little sister after all!" I said looking stunned at Zoey.

"Oh, Ok" Zoey said looking defeted, "but wait for me. I'm coming with you. You might need someone to distract Duncan."

"What do you mean distract Duncan?" I asked again looking confused.

"Well Kim probably told Duncan and you know what Duncan's like." Zoey said pulling on a jacket.

"Kim is still living with Duncan?" I asked, "I'm not sure I aprove of that."

"Well you'll just have to talk to Kim and Duncan about that then." Zoey said as she and I walked out the door and headed towards Sjin's farm.

Sjin's POV

I tried to kiss Kim yesterday, but she ran away. I love her and I know that she will nevr forgive me but I just had to try. I had to.

I was just worried about what will happen now. If Kim told her brother, Rythian, then I was done for. Rythian was the most protective brother. And if Kim told Duncan and he came by her would probaly blast me with something Sciencey and danerous.

Rythian's POV

Zoey and I were almost at Sjin's farm I was fumming. I was the only boy allowed to be around Kim. No one else asked my permission to be around Kim.

Zoey was beside me as we reached Sjins farm. I ran towards where he was standing and yelled,

"SJIN!!!!!!!" Sjin turned around looking pale.

"Um...urm...Rythian hi." he stuttered looking terrified at the sight of me.


"Oh...Oh...Kim told you about that...oh...d-d-didn't I aske your permission?" Sjin said trying, and failing, to pretend that he had meant to ask me. I wasn't fooled I yelled at Sjin some more and then punched him in the stomach and walked away.

Zoey caught up with me, and it looked like she was going to pretend she had not just witnessed me yelling at Sjin, then punching him.

"So are we off to see Kim and Duncan then?" Zoey asked me. I nodded and we headed off to see them.

Tiddles POV

Meow. Meow. Look adorable. Meow.

Duncan's POV

I had just got back from Sjin's farm, and Kim and I were eating lunch together. All was plesent and awesome until they heard a knock on the door.

Kim went to see who it was and I heard her say, "Rythian! Zoey! So good to see you guys!" I tenesed as Kim invited them to come inside and have some lunch.

This is not going to be pleasant. Rythian is REALLY protective of Kim. Really protective.

"Duncan," Rythian said looking strait at me, "why did you not go with Kim to make sure nothing like kissing happened?"

"Well, I didn't know that was what Shin was planning to do." I said defensively.

"I don't approve of Sjin, or anyone for that matter, dating my sister." Rythian said looking into my eyes.

"Rythian I don't like Kim in that way." I told him. But this was a lie. From the moment Kim feel into my fountain I loved her.

"Ok...but I will be checking in with Kim daily over text. And Duncan Jones if anything else cheeky happens, I come here personally. So don't get any ideas." Rythian said, but looking disbelieving.

Next Rythian turned to Kim "Kim," he said a loving tone, "Never go to see any boy unless I'm there. Ok?"

Kim sighed, it was obvious that she didn't like that idea but there is no point arguing with Rythian.

"Ok." She said.

Ok please post in the comments who you want to Be in this story. Thanks! Btw sorry for the short chapter.

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