New Generation: Chapter 14

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Olivia's POV

Kim and Duncan had taken me in and I was so thankful to them. They treated me as their own daughter and Alex treated me as if I was her sister, they were the family I had always wanted to have! But it was too good to be true. 

As if the universe had something against me, I found myself in a wave of trouble once again. That wave came when Lalnable and Nano started to attack, we needed help.

"Duncan, I'm scared." I cried, listening to the bangs coming from outside.

"Liv, go see Kim, I'm going to find someone who will help us." Duncan promised. I nodded and ran to Kim who embraced me comfortingly.

Duncan's POV

I set off to find her, Mell Lackey. I knew she might not react too well to me, but we're friends and maybe she could simply overlook the flux. I found her base and knocked on the front door. There was a noise from inside and it was opened to reveal my friend.

"Hey, Mell. It's me, Duncan." I greeted, smiling at her.

"Duncan... you... you're... fluxed." She commented, looking uncomfortable and awkward.

"Uh, yeah." I agreed awkwardly.

"So, what's up?" She asked.

"Well, I need your help. My family is in danger and you're really powerful and all." I explained, rambling slightly.

"Oh, sure thing." She agreed, still eyeing the flux on my skin.

"Okay thanks, why don;t we all meet up at my base." I offered, she nodded and I gave her the coordinates.

Mell's POV

Duncan left and I let out a breath I didn't even now I was holding, I still liked being friends with Duncan, but he was infected with the flux and I hated the flux. I would still help him, and it gave me an excuse to do something with Matt. I picked up my phone and called Matt.

"Hello." Matt said, answering my call.

"Hey Matt, it's Mell." I told him.

"Oh, hey. What can I help you with?" He asked.

"My friend Duncan needs some help, I was wondering if you would help me help him." I told him.

"Sure. Should I bring Edna too?" He wondered.

"Edna?" I asked, confused because I didn't know who 'Edna' was.

"Oh, she's my girlfriend." He explained. 

"Girlfriend?" I asked, I was hoping I would have that title.

"Yeah, so should we come by?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, come on over." I said, he agreed and I hung up.

Matt's girlfriend, I really wish that I was his girlfriend instead. I thought to myself, waiting for Matt and this 'Edna' to come. 

Evelina's POV

I was spending the day looking for Edna, again. Smith was helping me even though I could tell he hated her. We came into a clearing and saw a boy with messy brown hair sitting against a tree. He turned when he heard the crunching of leaves under our feet.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding gruff.

"Looking for someone." Smith replied.

"Who?" The boy questioned.

"Someone named Edna." I explained, thinking the information irrelevant.The boy stood up and looked at us very angrily, and started to suddenly attack. He had gotten me down and was fighting Smith who was strong and after receiving many cuts and bruises managed to hold the boy against a tree on the edge of the clearing. Smith's hands were around the boy's neck.

"Don't ever hurt Eve." Smith growled as the boy struggled to get free. A ball of fire shot past his head and he let go of the boy in surprise. I looked to see where the fire came from and saw Edna flying in the sky and may I just say that she is terrifying when she's angry. Her wings beat against the air which was so hot, her red hair bounced lightly and her hand was holding a ball of blazing flame that licked at the air.

"Now go, because this time...  I won't miss." 

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