Babysitting Pebbles

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Fred and Wilma Flintstone had date night often but not very often, usually a double date with Betty and Barney Rubble.

"Thank you for watching Pebbles on such short notice," Wilma said.

"No problem Wilma, I'm always happy to babysit your little angel," I replied.

She gave Pebbles a little kiss, then Fred gave her a kiss.

"Bye Mommy, bye Daddy," Pebbles said.

They left waving and blowing kisses.

"Be good to Miss. Rex, we love you!"

I made her a pan of my famous dino shaped cookies after eating dinner.

"I like the way you did your hair, up in a bone bun like that."

"I show you how," she said.

"You'll show me how?"


I got a small bone from my dresser, she put a small part of my hair and tied it gently with the bone.

"There, you look pretty."

Both of us were in awe because of how good I looked with my blonde hair in a little bone bun, but it looked more adorable on Pebbles.

When Fred and Wilma knocked on the door, me, holding Pebbles, answered it.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Pebbles shouted happily.

"Hey, come to Daddy!" Fred said.

I gave the adorable toddler to Fred.

"Come in," I said.

We all sat on the couch.

"Was she any trouble?" Wilma asked.

"Not at all, she was sweet as a baby wooly mammoth, like always. So, I have wonderful news...I got called for a job interview at Slate and Company for that cleaning job!"

They smiled.

"Congratulations Rene, in no time, me, you, and Barney will be coworkers!" Fred said.

"But I'll be inside while you both are working outside."

"We could eat lunch and talk about stuff."

"The good thing about breaks is socializing with friends. Gee, I hope I get that job, I don't wanna work at the Bedrock Inn anymore."

I really hope I get this job.

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