Spoiling The Party

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The Rubbles adopted a kid named Bamm-Bamm, he was a wild child with an anount of strength like a T-Rex, but I stuck around to help Betty and Barney try to get him cleaned up and his hair cut. I understood that he probably wasn't used to being pampered, he was adopted after all. We were patient with Bamm-Bamm. Later on before we had to go back to work, Bamm-Bamm got used to all of us. We were back to working, I were to clean the dust off of tables, shelves and stuff. I dusted Fred's new office in time for me to see Fred and Cliff walking down the hall as I got my cart rolling for the next room. As I dusted the next room, I heard this:

"Consider it done!" Fred shouted with confidence.

"I want you to fire Bernard Rubble," Cliff said.

"Done! Wait, fire Barney, why?"

"Well, he scored the lowest on the company aptitude test, he's an imbecile, the company can't afford to have dead weight like him on the payroll."

"But Mr. Vandercave, he's got a new kid, a mortgage, I'm his best friend, I can't."

"Look Fred, if you don't fire him, I will...and then I'll fire you."

"Cliff, you son of a screeching Pterodactyl!" I whisper yelled.

Barney is getting fired, I can't believe it! Wait a minute, Barney switched the tests around, Barney could've been promoted and had his own office, Fred scored lower so he could've been fired. There's a lot of things that best friends do for each other, I started thinking of a couple times me and Cliff helped each other.

*Rene and Cliff Flashback*

I hate tests, taking tests is when my mind goes blank. But, having Cliff as my new friend will help me. I told my parents about him and he told his parents about me, they arranged for him to come over to my house for dinner, homework, and play. The first time he came over was for a spelling test. He knocked, I opened the door, and hugged him. I saw his parents waiting in their car for him to go in so they could leave. It was more like a limo, there was a driver in the driver's seat and his parents were in the back looking out the window. They didn't look too fond of me. I let him in.

Soon, we ate dinner, me, Cliff, and my parents were gathered at the table.

"This is the best stew I ever had Mrs. Rex," he said.

"Why thank you Cliff. It's better than the food you're being served at home?" Mom asked.

"Honestly...yes...the food at home is good too but yours tastes better because it makes me feel warm inside, like cuddling a baby mammoth."

"Aren't you a sweet boy."

I learned that Cliff's parents were rich, hired housekeepers and cooks did all the housework.

After dinner, me and Cliff were in my room studying for our spelling test.

"How do you spell stone?"

"Stone, S...T...O...N...E, stone."

He nodded.

"How do you spell chisel?"

"Chisel, C...H...I...S...E...L, chisel."

"Good. How do you spell volcano?"

"Volcano, V...A...W...K...A...I...N...O...W, volcano."

He shook his head.

"No, not right."

I groaned.

"It's ok Rene! Repeat after me."

He cleared his throat.



"Vol...it's spelled V.O.L...vol. Now can, C.A.N...it's tricky, it sounds like cane as in what old people walk around with but it's spelled can as in...you can pass this spelling test."

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