Chapter 2: Getting Down To Business

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November 14, Wednesday, 2040

I must say I'm quite happy with how my country is coming along, Altoism is the new form of government and Morozovism is the most popular religion. Not to mention the technological innovations, both within the military and civilization. However, a lot of our focus is going into the military side of things, with new gun models like the Altoist Model 40, new heavy armor vehicles like the Morozov Attack Helicopter and the Bolshoi Tank. We're even a few steps away from making intelligent cybernetic attack dogs, they're supposed to be modeled like German Shepherd's but with a little more of a vicious design. Overall, the reformation of the country has been a massive success among the government and the people. But this war will be the deciding factor of the nation's future. I've already started talk of a potential alliance between the countries of China, Korea, and Vietnam. If I can get them on our side then taking the east will be a little easier, plus more countries might be willing to accept Morozovism.

-From the diary writings of Altoia Pistrovich

The time was 7:30AM on Wednesday. Altoia was in his limousine, accompanied by two other decoy limousines and an Altoist Police escort. He tucked his diary away in a pocket in his suit jacket, then reached over to a cabinet next to him and grabbed a bottle of champagne. "Ready to meet Invasion Force E Sir?" One of Altoia's advisors asked him, a man named Mikhail Bento. "Of course I'm ready to meet our first pair of boots on the ground in Ukraine" Altoia responded as he poured himself a glass of champagne. The convoy was on its way to the newly built military base, Fort Olezka, which was located on the outskirts of Moscow. "This group looks rather promising, it's split between our more seasoned soldiers and some of the recruits" Altoia's other advisor, a man named Edik Pavlichenko, added. "Let's hope they'll be up to the task of handling Ukraine with the other troops. Ukraine, even though it's only a small portion they're occupying, is still one of the more...troublesome countries on the list" Altoia responded, taking a sip out of his glass. Out of the western bordering countries Altoist Russia has started invading like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus, Ukraine hasn't been breached yet. Some believed Altoia just hadn't gotten to it yet, others believed there was some historical backing halting the invasion. The year 2022 coming to mind.

"Now we're getting down to business" Altoia thought.

The A.S soldiers were told by Altoist Chieftains to line up outside the two hangers, outside the hangers sat three of Russia's new SM39s. They were rather large transport planes, able to fit around 600-700 soldiers in one. The "SM" stood for "Sky Master" after all. The size was understandable though, considering the 2,000 troops being transported to the front lines. The planes would leave Moscow and transport the troops to another base in Kursk. Then from Kursk, the soldiers would start the invasion of Kharkiv, receiving back up as they do.

It was a cold November morning, and all the soldiers could feel it as they shivered in their boots. "How long is this convoy gonna be? I'm freezing my ass off here" Sasha thought. If the soldiers had AM40s then they could use the heat settings on them. The heat setting was a new feature Altoia, along with the gun smiths, added when they made the Altoist Model 2040. When activated, it heats both the rear and fore grip. It was designed to make the gun more comfortable to hold in cold conditions, such as this.

After about ten to fifteen minutes of waiting three limousines and an A.P escort came driving across the tarmac, making the soldiers stand up a little straighter then before. The limousines pulled up in front of the soldiers and the A.P escort parked next to the limos. All the soldiers could think at the moment was "which limo is Altoia in?" Until he stepped out of the middle limo, his two advisors following behind him.

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