Chapter 1

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It was a chilly March Saturday afternoon as the sun shone brightly over the city of Shibuya. The city streets were packed with people going to and from shopping centers and pop-up food stalls that lined the street. "Come on Y/N hurry up before we miss the train and miss the movie," Lisa yelled. You and she are very close friends. You guys first bonded over being foreigners in a new country. You are being from America and her being from the UK. As time progressed you find out that you both had the same taste in music down to boys.

You guys had to run towards the mall to catch the movie in time lucky the train station wasn't too far. "Y/N why did you choose to watch a horror movie," she yelled as eerie music boomed through the surround sound speakers. "Oh my god, it's not even that scary. Stop being a baby," you laughed. Throughout the whole movie Lisa screamed at every jump scare and hid her face in shoulder digging her nails into your forearm. You couldn't help but laugh at her being the scaredy-cat through the whole film. "Lisa look! You just missed when he slashed that girl throat," you said shaking her arm. "Fuck you! You're going have make this up to me when we leave," she screamed squeezing her eyes close. "Why would they release a movie like's not even close to Halloween," Lisa sobbed.

"Finally, that damn movie is over," Lisa sighed a deep breath of relief. "Girl, you are doing too much. It wasn't even that scary," you chuckled. "I'm not playing with you. You owe me for making me watch that. I am requesting you to do my hair next weekend I want some nice braids with cute designs," she pouted. "I guess I can do that for you since I made you watch a scary movie on the count you are being scared of them," you laughed. You guys walk around the mall making small purchases here and there before leaving and heading towards the train station.

"Let's go get something to eat before we head home. I'm starving," you suggest hearing your stomach growl. "I can go for a nice juicy burger with all the works. My mouth is watering just thinking about," Lisa says licking her lips. "What are we waiting for? Let's go before my stomach recedes into nothing," you joke pulling Lisa along by the arm. You guys eat your fill and make your way to the train station. All the shades of reds mixed with the blues and yellows washed the buildings and trees with a gentle, golden glow as the sun began to set. "Damn it's going to be dark soon, let me hurry up and get home before my dad kills me," Lisa joked. "Alright are going to see each other tomorrow or do you have to babysit your little brother?" you asked. "I'm stuck babysitting but I will see you on Monday," she said before waving goodbye and walking home.

Your apartment wasn't too far from where Lisa stayed. You guys would meet up every morning and walk to the train station together for school. Y'all was joined at the hip all the time. Your troubles were hers and vice versa from suffering from culture shock at times to fighting people in the neighborhood and school.

"Maybe I will stop by the convenience store and pick some snacks and have a self-care day tomorrow while my parents are gone. It will be the perfect amount of quietness in the house to enjoy myself," you said as you made your way into the store. You made your purchases of candy, chips, and soda, said goodbye to the worker and made your way home for real this time. "Damn, the sun has fully gone down let me hurry up before my dad get mad," you said as you began to power walk down the street.

You were thumbing through the new book you just purchased. It was a book of complete short stories and poetry by Edgar Allen Poe. He was your favorite writer and you reread all his works. "What page is 'Black Cat' that's one of my favorites," you said to yourself scanning the index page. You began to read a little of the story glancing up periodically.

"Hey, watch where the fuck you are going!" an unfamiliar voice yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was so immersed in my book I didn't see," you apologize. "I don't want to hear that you made me drop my drink," he snatches the book from your hand. "I'm truly sorry about that but, can you give me my book back. I'm not trying to start any trouble. I just want to go home," you said reaching for your book. "How about you pay me back for my drink first and then maybe I will give you the book back," he laughed. You looked closely at his face to see if you had seen him in your neighborhood before, but his face doesn't ring a bell in your head. "I tried to be nice and cordial with you by apologizing but, it looks like it's not working with that pea brain of yours. So, can I get my fucking book back or I will have to take it back by force. The choice is yours," you spat.

"A little bitch like you, I want to see you fucking try," he laughed nudging the guy next to him. You quickly kick him in the balls and when he double over in pain you reached for your book but before you can grab it you felt your face crash with the cold and dirty concrete below you. "You are fucking little bitch; you're going to pay for that!" he yelled as you felt loose gravel dig in your cheek as he banged your face into the ground below you again.

"Are trying to put on a show for your little boyfriends," you spat. You winced out in pain as you felt him tightly pull a wad of your hair. "What the fuck did you say to me!" he yelled pulling your hair tightly. You squeezed your eyes close to fight back the tears that was starting to form in the wells of your eyes. You felt your breathing pattern change with every passing second. "You heard what I said. These guys are your boyfriend, y'all got on the same ugly matching jackets with that horrible design on it. You must get passed around so everyone can have a chance with you," you laughed.

"What hell is going on here!" an unnamed voice yelled. The group of boys parted as a rather tall boy with blue hair walked towards you. You swallowed hard as you try advert your eyes from his gaze. "Well, what do we have here? A lost little mouse that got caught in the dragon's claws," he says towering over you. "More a rude little bitch who doesn't know how to control those feet of hers or that fucking mouth," your assailant replied. "She kicked him in the balls, talked shit about our jackets and called us gay," a boy yelled from the crowd. "Oh, is that true. She did and said all those things?' he questioned. "No, I kicked him first, called him gay and then talked shit about them ugly ass jackets," you chuckled. He bent down and grabbed your chin tightly so you can look into his light golden eyes. "For you to have a cute face but, that mouth of yours is reckless. Maybe I should teach you a lesson and break all of them pretty teeth in your mouth. Maybe then you will learn how to respect people of authority and watch that fucking tongue of yours," he spat. "People of authority? Don't make me laugh, to get respect you going to have to give it and he disrespected me so, I did right back to him. Did I hurt your feelings," you replied rolling your eyes.

"I'm going to make it, so you are sure to remember the name Taiju and the Black Dragons. It will be etched into your brain by the time I'm done with you," he said with a glint of anger in his eyes. He snatched you up from the ground and wrapped his fingers around your throat and began to tighten his grip. You clawed at his hands trying to break free, but it was pointless. The edges of vision began to blur with blackness until you felt his grip loosen. You took a deep and sharp inhale through your nose, filling your lungs with much needed fresh air. You coughed as tears began to flow from your eyes as you stared at him. He then gripped you chin tightly and laugh at you while you cried. "You should be happy little mouse that I'm letting go instead of gobbling you up. Now run home before I change my mind," he said mushing your head.

You gather your things and begin to walk home wiping the tears from your soft cheeks. You finally let out a sigh of relief as you make it your front door. You flick on the light to see that the apartment is empty but, your use to by now. You kick off your shoes and walk straight to bathroom and peel out of your dirty clothes and hop in the shower. You late to scent of lavender and warm vanilla permeate your nostrils as tears began to overflow as break down into a soft sob. You felt dirty and humiliated after the events that took place tonight. After a much-needed lathering and cry you exit the shower and went to your bedroom. You didn't even try to entertain yourself with the music or tv. You just put on your pajamas got in bed and try to get sleep so tomorrow can hurry up and come.

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