Chapter 6

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TW: Mention of SA and Domestic Abuse
Some really unhealthy and unhinged things happen in this chapter
Please if you anyone in real life that goes through this or if you are victim of abuse there are hotlines out there but if its immediate danger please call your local police department

Please stay safe out there and know that you are loved

You awaken naked and alone in an unfamiliar dark room. You squint your eyes to try and see if you can get a gest of where you are but nothing. You exit the bed and wrap the comforter around you as you walk towards the door. "Where do you think you are going at such a late hour," the familiar deep voice calls out form the corner of the room. "Oh Taiju, I didn't even see you over there I was just wondering where I was because this doesn't look like my house," you chuckle nervously. "So that means you were going to walk around an unfamiliar place naked with nothing but a comforter around you? That's not fucking smart of you now is it?" he question lighting a cigarette. You stood there in complete shock as the words escape his lips. "I knew you was a dumb pet but not that fucking dumb," he said blowing out a thick cloud of smoke. "I just want to go home, I know my parents are probably worried sick about me," you say as the sense of fear sends a chill down your spine. You feel your heart pound against your ribcage as Taiju exit his seat and walk towards you. "What do you mean your parents will be worried sick? Last time I checked from what you told me it seems like your parents doesn't give a fuck about you. Now you want to run home to see if they're there. If they was really concerned about your well-being and where there daughter is at when it's 2 a.m. they would have called or texted but guess what they didn't do neither. Isn't that fucking sad it seems like they threw you away like the trash you are," he laughs.

"Fuck you Taiju, don't you dare throw that shit up in my face. I only told you part of my story, my parents love me and will never throw me away," you spat. "You don't sound very convincing," he says grabbing your chin forcefully. Deep down in your heart what he said was true if it wasn't for him or Lisa you would be truly alone. "Aww sweet little mouse don't cry now, did I hurt your feelings by telling you the truth?" he ask sarcastically. "Fuck you!" you yell spitting in his face. "You stupid little bitch it seems like you didn't learn your lesson last time so let me teach you it again," he smirks. You felt his left fist strike you across the face causing your eyes to water. "This fucking time there will be no one to come save you," he laughs as right fist connect with your face. You wince in pain as the was dulling pain flare up in your face again. Tears prick at your waterline as you close your eyes trying to hold them in but failing miserably. Your fist beings to shake as you ball them up as you aim square for his jaw striking him with a right hook. As your left fist quickly jabs him in his ribs causing him to let out a groan. "Oh, shit you seemed to be a little bit feistier since I beat your ass yesterday, I like that," he said punching you square in the nose. "But don't get ahead of yourself, I will beat you so bad your fucking worthless parents won't even recognize you," he said as he punches you in the face. Blood gush from your nose and mouth as you try to block his fist from pounding in your face.

He grabs a wad of your hair causes you wince in pain as throw you on to the ground. He stands towering over you giving you the perfect opportunity to kick in his balls causing him to topple over in pain. "You fucking stupid little bitch you are going to regret fucking doing that," he gritted through his teeth. You felt your heart sink into the pit of your stomach as those words escaped his lips. You felt his foot stomp into your chest causing a loud sob from your chest as you gasp for air. "That shit hurt doesn't it and you have a fucking filthy ass mouth that like spitting how I teach that little slutty mouth a lesson," he smirk. You felt yourself break out in a cold sweat as your heart bang against your bruised ribcage. 'Didn't I tell you not to use your fucking teeth? How about that dumb slutty mouth a lesson,' he said cracking you in jaw causing you to cry out. 'Shut the fuck before your parents walk in here! If they walk in, I will fucking kill you for real but then again, I'm pretty sure they will believe me over you,' he laugh sinisterly' "Please I'm sorry I won't ever use my teeth again I learned my lesson I promise," you said as your naked body shook violently on the floor. "Teeth? What the fuck are talking about? I never said anything about tee-...," he voice trails off as he felt you grip on his leg. Deep inside he felt like complete shit for saying what did after seeing in such a state of shock. You thought you repressed all those painful memories but the but the resurfaced crashing into you like a wave.

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