Chapter 2

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The warmth of the sun rays caressed your face as it peeked through your curtains. You stretched letting out a loud yawn. After the events took place last night you was looking forward to a day of rest and relaxation. You had the planned out every detail a head of time and was eager to check them off one by one. You got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth than made your way to the kitchen.

"Hmmm...what should I make myself for breakfast? Maybe some pancakes? Or French toast I really been craving that lately," you said to yourself. You decided to make French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon with some fresh strawberries and black berries on the side. "On today's episode of cooking with Y/N we'll be making my famous stuffed cream cheese French toast. I found the recipe online, but I added my own little twist to it," you said out loud. It never fails when you cook you pretend that you are hosting a cooking segment on tv. "Do you guys see how beautiful that is now where going sprinkle some powder sugar on top. It's looks to delicious I just have take a bite. Mmmhh, it's so good I'm telling you all that you need try this home and make it for yourself or your loved ones. They will absolutely love it," you said to your pretend audience. You laughed at yourself and continued cooking your breakfast.

"That was too good I'm so damn stuffed I feel like I need a nap after all that food," you joked. "Ok, I had my breakfast, I cleaned up the mess I made in the kitchen. Now it's time for me to curl up and read a book," you said as you walked into the living room. You sat on the couch and started thumb through the pages of the novel you was reading. Time ticks by slowly until you let out a deep sigh. "It's only 1:30pm and I'm officially bored. Maybe I will walk to the neighborhood park and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin," you said to yourself. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," you said getting up from the couch. You went to the kitchen and packed a tote bag with snacks and drinks and grabbed the blanket you was laying under and put it in the bag. You then went into your room and slipped on light pink shirt and light blue jean shorts and made your way out the door.

You began to walk towards the park humming along to the song you were listening to on your MP3 player. As the sweet melodies invades your eardrums you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you. You began to pick up your speed until you felt a hand reach out and grab the back of your shirt. "What the fuck! Let me go," you yell. "What have I told you little mouse about invading my territory," the familiar voice chuckles. You turn around to see eyeing you up and down. You roll your eyes and let out sigh.

You began to resume walking towards the park, but you see him following you out the corner of your eye. "Look why are you following me? Don't you have other people to intimidate with your little friends?" you questioned. "Actually, I don't they have families and other matters to take care of so, I'm doing things solo," he said.

While he talked about bullshit that you didn't care about you couldn't help but stare. He was rather tall and towered over you. His eyes was the beautiful shade amber. He had shoulder length blue hair with cyan highlights. Your eyes began to trail down to his bare chest. His chest and stomach was well defined with muscles. He has tribal tattoos styled in a series of swirls on the left side of his neck down to his chest and cursive tattoos below that. You quickly blink your eyes as you shifted your gaze to the ground below.

"What's the matter? You see something you like?" he says grabbing your chin. Your eyes meet his and you tried to ignore the voice your head that was telling you how fine he was. You tried to remove your chin out of his grasp but then you felt pad of his thumb caressing your cheek. "Oh, little mouse you shouldn't make that face. It makes look like your aching for something more than just my touch," he says inching his face towards yours. Your heart began to pound against your rib cage as you felt his hot breath on your face. "Your full lips look soft and oh so kissable. Maybe I should find out if my theory is correct," he say as his pad of his thumb stroke your bottom lip. "...But that would ruin all the fun and excitement of teasing you little pet," he laughs as he release you from his grip.

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