Chapter 3

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14 years later..

Audrey's Pov :

It was 8am. I heard my phone ring. What the hell.

Who the fuck is calling at this time? Helin.

Helin's my bestfriend ever since i was 7 when my mom adopted me. Helin's mother is bestfriends with my mom apparently, so that's how we met. We then became inseparable ever since, she's been there with me through everything.

"What the fuck do you want Helin?" I picked up my phone.

"Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed."

"Helin fucking Miller. You called me at 8am in the morning what the hell do you need that early?" I groaned, im definitely not a morning person.

"Rude. Anyways get dressed im picking you up in an hour to hangout" I can tell she's excited by her voice.

"I can't Helin. I have work to do. Did you forget i'm the CEO of Auds Co. and best assassin in the world aka 'Nel' ?" I reminded her, showing off myself.

Auds Co. The most successful company world wide, i've started this company ever since i was 10 after i got my business degree. Splendid right? The world should bow down to me.

Okay i really need to stop that attitude.

Although i'm the CEO, no one has ever seen my face. They only know that the company is run by 'Auds Reign'. Auds as in Audrey, my name obviously. I never revealed my identity cause i was only 10 at that time, who knows what jealous fucks would want to do to me after they found out im the CEO of the most successful company. Only my workers and staff knows my identity, but they're threatened to not snitch. They obeyed it surprisingly. I planned to reveal my identity when i turn 21, which is in 3 months.

Best and most feared assassin world wide, 'Nel'. The name Nel is from my middle name, Anellia. Audrey Anellia Reign. Again, nobody knows my identity. They only know me as the assassin 'Nel'. I would kill anyone in a minute of time if they figured out my identity.

I've been training since i was 7. My mom is donna of the American Mafia, it meant i'm the heir. It was going to be my brother Carver but then mom adopted me. Loser, sucks to be him.

"Oh come on Auds. You work 24/7, learn to take a break will ya? Consider today your day off!" Helin basically begged me to agree.

"I would love to but n-" I was cut off by Helin.

"GREAT! I'll come by in an hour, make sure you're ready by then!" She hangs up.

God i wish i murdered her few years ago.


I get up and change into a mini black dress, covered with a grey zip up, a heart necklace my mom gave to me and nike air forces.

I also tied my hair up into a high ponytail.

I don't take showers in the morning, it's uncomfortable and the water is cold as fuck. How do some people take actual showers in the morning?


I hid a small pocket knife inside my jacket just incase i needed to kill some bitches.

Audrey ReignOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora