Chapter 1:

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"Dear diary today was such a good day my big brother Steve aka 'Captain America' took me to Stark's tower to meet the avengers. I was soooo excited I already knew a few of them through Steve.
They even offered me a place on the team.
I'm not surprised though I'm the best trained assassin for miles. That's what the red room does to you.

Me and Steve both became super soldiers back in the  40's along with Bucky. Im actually 103 years old but I look 21.

Steve always said as soon as I'm old enough and felt ready he'd introduce me, it was a pretty big thing. Anyway I'm signing off for now see you tomorrow for an update on my first day as an avenger."


Today was the day, I was actually going to become an avenger and fight along side my brother.
I was so nervous I couldn't even eat my breakfast.
Steve kept trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. I didn't want to embarrass myself or him by being the annoying little sister but how could I be cool in these conditions I was going to work with a billionaire- playboy- philanthropist.

I already knew a few of them so I wasn't a total stranger, for example Nat. Natasha was my best friend. She met Steve on his first mission as an avenger and since then they've been inseparable, she was only introduced to me a few years back.
She's kinda like the older sister I never had as well as my best friend, she's amazing. She's always been there for me and Steve and I love her to bits.

And then there's Bucky, I know him as well for the same reason, Steve. We met back in the 40's when he befriended my brother and convinced us to become super soldiers in Starks experiment.

Me and Bucky have a difficult relationship, we were always the best of friends growing up and then suddenly he changed and I guess we grew apart because I haven't seen or heard from him in years.
I always thought it was sad growing apart from him as I really did like him, I knew he had a lot of demons and self hate but I always looked past that and saw the good in him no matter what he said or did.

He was always there to lend to a helping hand.
I used to see him every day until he suddenly disappeared and nobody mentioned him for years.
I always thought he died at war or something as every time I mentioned his name I got shot down, not even Steve talked about him so I assumed it was serious and the idea of him dead killed me.
I still the sleepless nights and constantly crying over the immediate and suspicious loss of my best friend.

Apart from Steve, Nat and Bucky I didn't know anyone but I was ready to make some new friends, especially when they're the avengers.

"Y/N hurry up, we're going to be late" Steve shouted from down stairs.

He lived in a little house about 15 miles from the compound, he had a room there as well as he was always in between houses. We shared a house with 2 floors so I took the spare room. I just moved back from my apartment in Boston when I heard Steve mention the job offer, I wasn't going to turn that down.

"Coming old man!" I shouted down as I grabbed my phone and my bag. I nearly fell down the stairs I was running so fast. I slammed the front door shut and jumped in the backseat of Steve's mustang.
As we pulled away from the drive Steve looked at me and smiled.

"You'll be fine Y/N." He knew how nervous I was, especially when it came to meeting new people.

You were very shy and polite with a good sense of humour and naturally pretty, you knew the avengers were going to love you it was inevitable, all except... Bucky, that's who you were nervous about. Once you found out about Bucky's whereabouts you knew he was going to be there.

Bucky came back into the picture a few years ago when Shield said he popped up on their radar.
Steve confirmed everything for you and told you the truth like you deserved. He started going on about Hydra and all the things they did to him, you couldn't help but feel bad for Buck and what he must've gone through. Steve also clarified that he's changed now for good and he's on our side not Hydras.

Knowing all this information about Bucky and that he's alive you knew you had to try. You dressed in your best outfit to try and impress him as you've changed a lot in 12 years and needed to make a good first impression...again.

Your outfit consisted of a short pleated skirt, an oversized jumper, black sheer tights and a pair of Doc Martins. You'd gotten up an hour earlier than normal to make sure everything was perfect. Your hair was curled to the very last strand and your makeup was more on point than Hawkeye's aim.

You and Steve picked up Natasha on the way to the compound, she lived on route and was only a few roads away from.
As she got in the passengers seat of the car she leaned in meeting Steve halfway over the gears and gave him a big squeaky kiss. They'd been dating for a few years now and they were the cutest couple. You loved them both dearly but it did make you jealous sometimes when you saw what they had.

You always thought you'd end up with Bucky but obviously that didn't work out.

"Hey girl how are you, love the outfit!" Natasha shouted pulling her face off of Steve's.

"Thanks Nat, I'm excited but I'm also really nervous, what if they don't like me".

"Aww don't be silly little Roger, your gonna fit in and everyone's going to love you, trust me!".

You smiled back at her in response as Steve turned up the radio and zoomed down the street.

'Let's do this' you mumbled under your breath.

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