Chapter 22:

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You turn the water off to the shower and Bucky grabs you each a towel wrapping you up like a caterpillar in a cocoon. He plants a light kiss on your forehead out of appreciation for the past 24 hours and then wraps the other towel around his waist leaving his wet muscled chest exposed. He helps you out of the shower following shortly after.

As you made your way back into your room the joint sound of your rumbling stomachs filled the silence and agreed it was time for some food. You'd been so busy recently that you'd actually forgotten to eat the last 2 meals. You'd definitely worked up an appetite though. Bucky suggested a breakfast takeout and movies and that's exactly what you did. He offered to run out and grab a few bits while you got ready and you couldn't really argue with the perfect plan.

He gave you a soft kiss and pulled on some clothes before leaving the compound to find some food.
You weren't preparing to dress up to eat in the living room, he'd seen you looking worse but you did want to surprise him so you went next door into his room and picked out a pair of his black boxer shorts.
You knew it was the perfect idea because he wouldn't be expecting it but he would love it.

You'd never felt like this before, for once in your life you felt content with your choices and saw your future looking up. You'd never liked the idea of romance and love, it scared you terribly but for some reason you forgot all that when you were with him and felt a sense of security like it was all going to work out and be a happy ending. 

To be exact you felt like a giddy teenager with a crush that was the only way to describe it but you knew being Steve's best friend and all that you'd have to keep it secret for now since it had only been a day.
You'd have to tell the others eventually but only if it actually worked out between you otherwise it'd be so awkward.

In the time Bucky went to the store and returned you'd done pretty much nothing. You dried your hair and changed but that was all. You heard the door slam shut and ran downstairs eager to great him.
You were wearing his boxer shorts with some regular shorts on top of and a white cami top.
You skipped down the steps and strolled into the kitchen only to be disappointed at the sight of the team. Don't get me wrong you loved them truly but it wasn't who you'd wanted to walk through the door.

You greeted them politely and hid your disappointment about Bucky.
They settled down in the kitchen for a while as they shared a coffee and a chat then dispersed and all went off to do there own thing. You went back up to your room and waited for Bucky's arrival and for some reason time was moving 100 times slower than normal.
It was an awful feeling to sit there so vulnerable waiting on a man to return for you it was giving you flashbacks of Steve in the war.
You'd never been like this before, it was a whole new feeling and it was strange. The Bucky you've been hanging out with recently was way different to the normal Bucky you have to put up with. You weren't 100% sure why your dynamic has changed but you weren't complaining, you both felt like better people.

Bucky returned around 30 after the others and was empty handed. He went straight up into your room and walked in with a face like a smacked ass.
He seemed frustrated with something like something had happened in the time he'd been gone.

"Hey buckaroo" ,your tone changed once you saw the distressed look on his face. "... are you ok?".

He huffed loudly pacing around the room ignoring your question.

He had a pained look on his face but you knew Bucky better than that and knew that it wasn't good to get involved with whatever he had going on... but you also didn't want to leave him hurting.

You stood up and walked over to him pulling his face into your hands to stop him from pacing some more.

"Hey... HEY! look at me, what's going on?".
You said in a calm manner hoping it would reflect on him and calm him down.

His breathing quickened and he struggled to get his words out. It was horrible to see such a strong, tough man crumbling in front of your very eyes, especially when you had no reason why.

He was struggling to look at you for some reason and you tried everything to get his attention on you.

He was still refusing to look.

It was like those magnets you get in science class that push each other away when the ends meet.
You spent some time trying to reassure him and slow his breathing but it was no use. Eventually you placed your forehead onto his and just stood there for a moment, content in each other's company. After a moment of just holding each other his breathing slowed back down to a normal pace and he managed to look at you, taking deep breathes.

He felt safer in your company for some reason, like he could take on the world. It was a strange feeling for him as he'd never had love or comfort and often shied away from any kind of affection. He wasn't to sure why it was different with you but he was certainly was enjoying your company and the new felt feelings you were giving him.
It was like a new lease of life, a second chance even.

He stayed frozen with you for a while before moving back a step and holding out his little finger to you.
You stared in confusion before he made his next move.

"I promise Y/N to look out for you and care for you if you'll try and help me to do the same thing... I have demons I know that but I really appreciate you being here with me to try and contain them.
I've never been as open and honest with myself or others like I have been recently with you and I'd love it more than you'd know if you stayed by my side."

He looked down at the floor almost embarrassed by expressing himself but he couldn't see the smile growing on your face, you were ecstatic that he was telling the truth and laying it bare.

"Bucky I'll always be here to support you, I've been doing it since 1960 and you've only just noticed me."

You laughed it off so he knew you were joking and continued giving your speech.

"I'd love nothing more than to help you to be yourself and become a better person because I'm with you till the end of the line!"

When you finished speaking he looked up at you with water filled eyes and gave a small smile,
he'd never felt happier than he was right now.

You held out your little finger and locked it together with his to seal the oath you'd just made.
"Till the end of the line" he quoted back kissing your locked hands then pulling you back in for a hug.

A love to fight for! (Bucky X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now